Published November 30, 2023 | Version v1
Report Open

GreenComp in Vocational Education and Training. State of Art and Best Practices in Spain


The following report delves into the interplay of education, economy, and environment in Spain. With the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector growing significantly, this document explores the changing landscape of vocational education, within the framework of the Green Hive Project—a dynamic initiative that links VET, sustainability, and innovation.

Spain's VET sector has grown by an impressive 74% in two decades, aligning education with industry needs. The Organic Law 3/2022 underscores VET's role in creating green jobs and addressing climate change, providing a strong foundation for the Green Hive Project. Through research conducted in Spain, the report explores how sustainability skills are being integrated into VET. The study involves talking to experts in education to learn what's working and what's challenging.

The report also delves into changes in Spanish vocational training. It highlights the growth of green jobs and the need to teach students about new things like technology and the environment. While there's progress, there are still issues to address, and it's important for education providers, stakeholders  and the local communities to work together.

In essence, this report acts as a guide through the evolving educational landscape in Spain. It sheds light on the current state of sustainability training, captures the perspectives of educators, and identifies best practices for integrating these competences into VET curricula. As a result, the report lays the foundation for understanding how initiatives like Green Hive can impart crucial skills to students for a sustainable future. Ultimately, it provides valuable insights into the interconnectedness of education, the environment, and the future within the Spanish context.

Notes (English)

This publication has received funding from the European Commission under Grant Agreement number 2022-2-IE01-KA220-VET-000097215, Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership project "Green Hive". The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views of the authors only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



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