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Published November 28, 2023 | Version 1
Publication Open

Partnership Agreement Template: Guidelines and Checklist for Partnering

  • 1. ROR icon McMaster University
  • 2. Centre[3] for Artistic and Social Practice


This template is designed for projects that involve art and research. This template was created to assist different groups of people (i.e. artists, academic researchers, social service workers, community organizers, community workers) involved in projects in which art and research intersect. The plan aims to be accessible as a tool for working collaboratively in art and research projects, and where interdisciplinary collaboration creates specific needs for structure, agreements and documentation. 

As the types of partnerships that are the subject of this template require both structure and flexibility, this set of guidelines is designed to serve as a framework for thinking about and working through certain aspects of partnering. These guidelines offer questions for thinking through various aspects of the proposed partnership, as well as spaces to record what has been collaboratively decided upon together by those involved in the partnership. 


Centre4_Partnership Agreement Guidelines, Checklist.pdf

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Other: 10.5281/zenodo.10214545 (DOI)