Published November 30, 2023 | Version CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0
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Protecting Hand-Knotted Carpets with Microbial Resistance

  • 1. Department of Fibres and Textile Processing Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai (Maharashtra), India.


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  • 1. Department of Fibres and Textile Processing Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai (Maharashtra), India.


Abstract: The carpet is a textile material known for its aesthetic appeal and is widely used for enhancing home and workplace décor. The hand-knotted carpets made from natural fibres like cotton tend to allow microbial growth when exposed to hot and humid conditions. This study involves the application of anti-microbial finishing chemicals developed from natural oils like Neem, Basil, and Aloe vera. Nano-emulsion of essential oil was prepared with polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate as a surfactant using a high-speed Homogenizer at 15K rpm for 30 minutes. These essential oils can repel insects like house flies and prevent the growth of microbes which cause human health-related issues like skin itching, irritation, sneezing and allergy. Varying concentrations of emulsion oil 1% and 5% were used to prepare nano-emulsion formulation, and the particle size and thermal stability were evaluated. FTIR analysis of the emulsion was done to check the presence of functional groups. The spraying technique was used for the application of neem oil emulsion on the carpet and dried. The finished carpet was tested for the anti-microbial performance effect and found to provide adequate microbial protection.



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Manuscript received on 09 September 2023 | Revised Manuscript received on 20 September 2023 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 November 2023 | Manuscript published on 30 November 2023


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