Human health impact based on adult European consumers' dietary exposure to chemical contaminants and consumption of unprocessed red meat, processed meat, and legumes
This dataset was generated within the PRISMA project (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 101110615) for assessing the health impact for adult consumers from 25 European countries due to dietary exposure to chemical contaminants and consumption of food based on different dietary patterns.
The risk coefficients used to generate data are presented in Table S1.
File S2 presents the health impact based on the chronic dietary exposure to chemical contaminants for each country.
File S3 presents figures regarding the health impact for each country for adult consumers due to dietary exposure to chemical contaminants and consumption of food based on different dietary patterns.
File S4 presents the health impact based on the consumption of unprocessed red meat, processed meat, and legumes for each country.