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Published November 23, 2023 | Version v1
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SONAR -- experimental redox potentials for organic compounds undergoing 2-electron/2-proton transfer reactions


reference data for the demo-compounds used as input for predicting redox potentials by a trained model 

The file

  • lists redox potentials and oxidized/reduced form for organic molecules undergoing a two-electron/two-proton reduction reaction (M + 2 e- + 2 H+ --> MH2)
  • contains data for 25 organic compounds compiled from various sources in literature
  • uses "|" as a separator
  • column names and explanations
    1. ID: abbreviated trivial names e.g. for labelling
    2. orig redox potential [V]: original values reported in respective reference
    3. solvent: total formula, water (H2O) throughout
    4. pH: pH value of electrolyte solution. If not reported, inferred from the concentration of supporting electrolyte
    5. supporting_electrolyte: if spefified: total formula, if available; concentration
    6. SMILES_ox: molecular structures encoded as (manually assigned) SMILES strings for the oxidized species (M)
    7. SMILES_red: molecular structures encoded as (manually assigned) SMILES strings for the reduced species (MH2)
    8. ref_electrode: reference electrode the originally reported half cell potential refers to. If not specified, RHE was used as default
    9. redox potential vs SHE [V]:
      • In case of missing information, reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE at pH = 0) was assumed, which corresponds to SHE
      • In case of conflicting entries (SHE and pH != 0), we assumed the pH should be accounted for and replaced "RHE" as reference electrode instead of "SHE". "NHE" was treated like "RHE".
      • In case the reference electrode was other than SHE, NHE or RHE, a respective offset was added. This was the case once for Ag/AgCl (assuming saturated solution, offset = 0.210, see respective reference)
      • Finally, the potential values were transferred to SHE according to: E(SHE) = E(RHE) + 0.05913 * pH
      • CAVEAT: Lacking information about individual pKa values, no other correction was made.
    10. reference: orginal source



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