Published November 22, 2023 | Version 1.0
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Impacts and Value Chains of the Cloud-Edge-IoT Continuum in the Energy Sector

  • 1. ROR icon VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik
  • 2. ROR icon Trust IT Services


  • 1. ROR icon Trust IT Services


In the Energy Sector, the demand for a CEI Continuum is primarily governed by the need to mitigate climate change and not necessarily by industry needs. Hence, the energy transition and digitalisation of the energy sector is mainly driven by various regulations at the national and international levels, including the European Green Deal. e.g. reform of the EU electricity market design. 

The energy transition comes with new roles in the energy system, new regulations and new possibilities, but also with stability and security concerns and additional challenges, such as decentralisation, dependence on weather-dependent renewable energy sources, and energy flow in multiple directions. The digitalisation of the energy sector using CEI solutions for Smart Grid and Energy Management have become essential for a successful transition. Digitalisation needs to penetrate the energy system at all levels. As a result, the boundaries between specific and more defined CEI use cases and approaches that contribute to the overall challenges are often blurred 


Impacts and Value Chains of the Cloud-Edge-IoT Continuum in the Energy Sector.pdf

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European Commission
UNLOCK-CEI – Unlocking the Cloud Edge IoT demand potential in Europe 101070571