Published November 22, 2023 | Version 9.0
Project deliverable Open

D4.1 E-RIHS Business Plan: Approach to its revision

  • 1. University College London
  • 2. University of Ljubljana
  • 3. National Research Council
  • 1. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
  • 2. Fondation des Sciences du Patrimoine
  • 3. Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia
  • 4. University of Ljubljana
  • 5. Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas
  • 6. Hellenic Open University


The E-RIHS Business Plan, available as D11.1 E-RIHS Business Plan of the E-RIHS Preparatory Phase project (2020), requires a thorough revision and update to incorporate the ongoing changes in operational, strategic and policy documents, reflecting the new phase in the RI's lifecycle. As the majority of tasks and the associated deliverables in the E-RIHS IP project are actively being developed and therefore their outcomes awaited, the work leading to this deliverable focussed on three key elements: (i) Review and gap analysis of the E-RIHS Business Plan; (ii) Analysis of E-RIHS modus operandi and its outline sustainability model; (iii) Reflections on the ESFRI surveys. On the basis of these analyses, a series of recommendations emerged, aimed at producing a revised business plan (D4.3, M24), which will pave the way towards the establishment of E-RIHS as an ERIC and equip the new organisation with the necessary instrument to support its transition towards the operational phase. This deliverable further provides a timeline for the required inputs into the process of revision of the E-RIHS Business Plan. As such, this deliverable impacts all other tasks and explores the dependencies between E-RIHS IP deliverables and the content they need to provide for the revised ERIHS Business Plan (D4.3). This deliverable was developed through regular, focussed meetings of the WP4 project partners contributing to task T4.1, as well as with guest attendees, as and when required, and in close collaboration with the Chair of the E-RIHS interim Committee of National Nodes.


D4.1_ERIHS IP_E-RIHS Business Plan_Approach and Advancement_WEB.pdf

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European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Implementation Phase (E-RIHS IP) 10044057
UK Research and Innovation

