Lepidocyrtus (Fractocyrtus) chicomendesi Cipola & Viana 2023, sp. nov.
- 1. Laboratório de Sistemática e Ecologia de Invertebrados do Solo, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA, CPEN. Avenida André Araújo, 2936, Aleixo, 69067 - 375, Manaus, AM, Brazil. & Corresponding Author: Nikolas Gioia Cipola: nikolasgc @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7594 - 9574
- 2. Laboratório de Sistemática e Ecologia de Invertebrados do Solo, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA, CPEN. Avenida André Araújo, 2936, Aleixo, 69067 - 375, Manaus, AM, Brazil.
Lepidocyrtus (Fractocyrtus) chicomendesi sp. nov.
Figs 13–19, Table 1
Diagnosis. Dark blue pigment on head anteriorly and laterally, Th II to Abd II (present or absent) and Abd IV laterally; coxae I–III, collophore and manubrium with or without pigments; (Fig. 13); Ant III sense organ finger-shape (Fig. 14A); head An series with 15–16 mac and A series with 2 supplementary mac; eye patch with 2 scales and 3 interocular chaetae (Fig. 14B); clypeal formula as 4 l, 5–6 f and 3–4 pf (Fig. 14C); labial papilla E l.p. finger-shape (Fig. 14D); postlabial chaetotaxy with 1–2 spines and cephalic groove with 5 chaetae, chaeta X2 absent (Fig. 14E); Abd III with 5 lateral mac, lateral tuft with 17 chaetae (Fig. 16A); Abd IV with 10 lateral mac, 8 median sens and 30 posterior mes (Fig. 16B); BP4 region with 26–29 psp (Fig. 17B); trochanteral organ with about 28 spine-like chaetae (Fig. 18D); collophore anteriorly with 22–26 and posteriorly with 43 ciliate chaetae; lateral flap with 8–11 ciliate and 8–11 smooth chaetae (Fig. 18E); dens dorsally with 14–18 proximal spines (Fig. 18G).
Type material. Holotype female on slide (INPA-CLL 000369): Brazil, Acre, Mâncio Lima municipality, National Park "Serra do Divisor", stream of “Véi”, 07°27’32.1”S, 73°37’57.8”W (Fig. 19), 228 m., 19–25.vii.2022, malaise trap, GR Desidério, AMO Pes, JO Silva, RB Pinedo & HLMS Ferreira coll. 11 paratypes on slides: 1 female (INPA-CLL 000370), same date as holotype, except stream “ Paqueira ”, 07°27’10.3”S, 73°40’03.4”W, 255 m., 18–26.vii.2022; 2 males (INPA-CLL 000371–72): Manoel Urbano municipality, State Park of “Chandless”, T1-3500 grid, 09°24’17”S, 69°54’38”W, 225 m., 05–13.x.2016, pitfall trap, IPS Santos coll. 2 females (CC/UFRN and INPA-CLL 000373): idem, except T1-2500, 09°23'52"S, 69°54'58"W, 215 m.; 1 female on slide (INPA-CLL 000374): idem, except T2-4500, 09°24’21”S, 69°53’52”W, 234 m.; 1 female on slide (INPA-CLL 000375): idem, except T2-1500, 09°23’05”S, 69°54’52”W, 193 m.; 3 females on slides (INPA-CLL 000376–78): idem, except T2-2400, 09°23’29”S, 69°59’28”W, 212 m.; 1 female on slide (CC/UFRN): idem, except T2-500, 09°22’40”S, 69°55’12”W, 211 m.
Other examined material. 1 female on slide (INPA): Brazil, Amazonas, São Gabriel da Cachoeira municipality, frontier to Colombia, “Querari” Airport in margin of "Uaupés" river, 01°04’51.3”N, 69°50’32.1”W (Fig. 19), 148 m., 15–30.vi.2017, malaise trap, D Bandeira coll. 4 females on slides and 28 specimens in alcohol (INPA): Canutama municipality, “Canutama” Extractive Reserve, 06°32’S, 64°22’W, 60 m., 27–30.iv.2013 yellow plate trap, A Somavilla & M Oliveira coll. 1 female on slide (INPA): Rondônia, Itapuã do Oeste municipality, National Forest of “Jamari”, 09°15’36”S, 62°54’46”W, 105 m., 14–28.viii.2018, malaise trap in canopy, ZFM Silva & JA Rafael coll.
Description. Total length (head+ trunk) 1.59–2.16 mm (n= 4), holotype 1.95 mm. Specimens whitish to yellowish with dark blue pigments on distal region or completely (rarely) covering Ant IV, base of Ant I, and anterior and lateral sections of head; a longitudinal spot laterally present or absent on Th II to Abd II (weakly and rarely on Abd III) and another one on Abd IV; Abd V–VI, coxae I–III, collophore and manubrium pigmented or not; eyepatches black (Fig. 13).
Head. Ratio antennae: trunk = 1: 2.78–3.55 (n=4), holotype 1: 3.10; antennal ratio as I: II: III: IV = 1: 1.47–2.20: 1.05–1.74: 2.19–3.17 (n=4), holotype 1: 1.47: 1.05: 2.19. Ant III distally with 2 finger-shape sens (sense organ), 3 guard sens, at least 8 finger-shape sens and 3 swollen inner sens (Fig. 14A). Eye A and B larger than others, G and H smaller, 3 interocular mes chaetae (v, p, t) and 2 scales (q and r); head dorsal chaetotaxy (Fig. 14B) with 15–16 ‘An’ (An1a–3), 3–5 ‘A’ (A0–5), 6 ‘M’ (M0–4), 6 ‘S’ (S0, S2–4, S6–7), 3 ‘Ps’ (Ps2–3, Ps5), 4 ‘Pa’ (Pa2–5), 2 ‘Pm’ (Pm1, Pm3), 6 ‘Pp’ (Pp1–6) and 3 ‘Pe’ (Pe3–5?) chaetae, plus 2 supplementary mac between A0 and A2. Clypeal formula with 4 (l1–2, plus 2 unnamed), 5–6 (f) and 3–4 (pf0–3) ciliate chaetae, 1 f and pf0 unpaired, l1–2 acuminate, l1–2 and pf0–3 larger, others subequal (Fig. 14C). Maxillary palp b.c. thicker and 1.21 larger than the t.a. Labial papilla E l.p. finger-shape and not nearly reaching middle of terminal papilla (Fig. 14D). Ventral chaetotaxy with about 29 ciliate chaetae and 1–2 reduced spine-like mic laterally; postlabial chaetotaxy with 4 (G1–4), 2 (X, X4) and 4 (H1–4) chaetae (except X as spine); cephalic groove with 5 chaetae, b.c. longer (Fig. 14E).
Thorax chaetotaxy (Figs 15A–B). Th II a, m and p series with 9, 5 and 7 mic, respectively. Th III a, m and p series with 6, 5 and 6 mic, respectively. Ratio Th II: III = 2.43–1.77: 1 (n=4), holotype 2.38: 1.
Abdomen chaetotaxy (Figs 15C–D, 16A–C). Abd I a, m and p series with 5, 5 and 1 mic, respectively. Abd II with a, m and p series with 5, 7 and 4 chaetae (p5 and el absent), respectively; 1 (m3) inner and 1 lateral (m5) mac; a5 and m2 bothriotricha with 5 and 2 fan-shaped chaetae, respectively. Abd III a, m and p series with 5, 7 and 8 chaetae, respectively; 5 lateral mac presents (pm6, m7, p6–8?); bothriotrichum m2 with 4 chaetae, bothriotricha a5 and m2 with 7 fan-shaped chaetae between them; lateral tuft with about 16 elongated chaetae. Abd IV series ‘ A ’–‘ r ’ with 5, 4 (B2 absent), 5, 7, 2 (Te?), 5, 2, 5, 3, 2 and 8 chaetae (plus 4 unnamed), respectively, plus mic Si and Sm; inner region with 2 mac (B5–6) and lateral with 9 mac (D3, De3, E2–4p, F1–3); at least 9 sens (as and ps type I, others type II) and 30 posterior mes. Abd V a, m and p series with 2, 3 and 6 mac, respectively. Ratio Abd III: IV = 1: 3.69–5.91 (n=4), holotype 1: 5.91.
Body psp distribution (Fig. 17). Dorsal psp: dens proximally with 4 (possibly 5–6). Lateral psp: BP4 with 26–29. Ventral psp: Ant II with 1 (rarely 2) and tenaculum posteriorly with 2.
Legs. Subcoxa I with one row of 7 chaetae; subcoxa II with an ‘a’ row of 17 chaetae and about 14 chaetae anteriorly, ‘p’ row with 7 chaetae; subcoxa III with one row of 13 chaetae and 1 anterior chaeta (Figs 18A–C). Trochanteral organ with about 28 spine-like chaetae, 8 anterior, 8 posterior, 7 internal, 1 apical and 4 distal arm (Fig. 18D). Tenent hair 0.72 smaller than outer edge of unguis; tibiotarsal smooth chaeta 0.65 smaller than unguiculus length. Ratio unguis III: unguiculus III = 1: 0.62 in holotype.
Collophore (Fig. 18E). Anterior side with 22–26 ciliate chaetae, 3–5 mac, 3–5 mes and 14–18 thin and of different lengths chaetae, 2 as scales (atypical); posterior side with about 43 ciliated (4 unpaired) of different length and 1 distal smooth chaeta per side; lateral flap with 8–11 smooth chaetae and 8–11 ciliate chaetae.
Furcula. Manubrium ventrally with 2 long subapical scales and about 18 short apical scales (Fig. 18F); manubrial plate with 7–12 ciliate chaetae, 3–4 inners clearly larger (Fig. 18G). Dens dorsally with 14–18 proximal spines, holotype with 17 and 18 (Fig. 18G).
Etymology. The epithet is proposed to honors Chico Mendes (in memoriam), an activist and rubber tapper who defended the preservation of Acre's forests (type locality of the new species) in the last century.
Remarks. Lepidocyrtus (Fractocyrtus) chicomendesi sp. nov. resembles L. (F.) amazonaensis nom. nov. (see Cipola et al. 2018b: 211) in having Ant III sense organ finger-shape, 2 scales and 3 interocular chaetae; postlabial chaetotaxy generally with 2 spines, cephalic grove with 5 chaetae; and trochanteral organ with about 28 spine-like chaetae (Table 1). However, L. chicomendesi sp. nov. differs from L. amazonaensis in having the head pigmented (depigmented in L. amazonaensis), a longitudinal spot laterally frequently present on Th II to Abd II (Th III to Abd III in L. amazonaensis) and another on Abd IV that extends to the manubrium, whereas in L. amazonaensis the Abd IV has a wide lateral spot (reduced or absent) that is disconnected from the manubrium (Figs 2, 13). In chaetotaxy, L. chicomendesi sp. nov. also differs in having head series An with 15–16 mac and series A with 2 supplementary mac (11 and 1 respectively in L. amazonaensis), postlabial X2 chaeta absent (present in L. amazonaensis), Abd III with 5 lateral mac and 17 chaetae on lateral tuft (4 and 28 respectively in L. amazonaensis), Abd IV with 10 lateral mac and 30 posterior mes (6 and 24 respectively in L. amazonaensis), and BP4 region with 26–29 psp (22–25 in L. amazonaensis). Lepidocyrtus chicomendesi sp. nov. additionally, differs in having 14–18 spines dorsally on the dens (18–23 in L. amazonaensis), collophore with 22–26 anterior and 43 posterior ciliate chaetae (20 and 19–28 in L. amazonaensis) and lateral flap with 8–11 ciliate chaetae (7 in L. amazonaensis). Other differences among the four species are presented in Table 1.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 2016-10-05 , 2022-07-18 , 2022-07-19
- Family
- Entomobryidae
- Genus
- Lepidocyrtus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Material sample ID
- INPA-CLL 000369 , INPA-CLL 000369, INPA-CLL 000370, INPA-CLL 000371-72, T1-3500, INPA-CLL 000373, T1-2500, INPA-CLL 000374, T2-4500, INPA-CLL 000375, T2-1500, INPA-CLL 000376-78, T2-2400, T2-500 , INPA-CLL 000370 , INPA-CLL 000371-72, INPA-CLL 000373 , INPA-CLL 000374 , INPA-CLL 000375 , INPA-CLL 000376-78
- Order
- Entomobryomorpha
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Cipola & Viana
- Species
- chicomendesi
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype , paratype
- Verbatim event date
- 2016-10-05/13 , 2016-10-05/2022-07-26 , 2022-07-18/26 , 2022-07-19/25
- Taxonomic concept label
- Lepidocyrtus (Fractocyrtus) chicomendesi Cipola & Viana, 2023
- Cipola, N. G., Morais, J. W. & Bellini, B. C. (2018 b) New subgenus and four species of Lepidocyrtus Bourlet (Collembola, Entomobryidae, Lepidocyrtinae) from Amazon. Insect systematics & Evolution, 50 (2), 189 - 234. https: // doi. org / 10.1163 / 1876312 X- 00002184