Edessa (Edessa) crassicornis Mendonça & Silva & Fernandes 2023, sp. n.
- 1. Universidade Federal do Pará, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Av. Augusto Correa # 1 66075 - 110, Belém, Pará, Brazil & Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zoologia UFPA / MPEG
- 2. Universidade Federal do Pará, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Av. Augusto Correa # 1 66075 - 110, Belém, Pará, Brazil & valeriajuliete @ hotmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 1845 - 5228
- 3. Universidade Federal do Pará, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Av. Augusto Correa # 1 66075 - 110, Belém, Pará, Brazil & Universidade Federal do Pará, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Av. Augusto Correa # 1 66075 - 110, Belém, Pará, Brazil & Corresponding author: joseamf @ ufpa. br; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7450 - 5296
Edessa (Edessa) crassicornis sp. n.
(Figs. 9, 56 E–F, 72)
Etymology. The name refers to the robust humeral angles (L. crassus, thick, fat; L. cornu, horn).
Material examined. Holotype male. COSTA RICA, Puntarenas: Est. Quebrada Bonita, Reserva Bio. Carará 50m, IV-1993, R. Guzmán (L N 194500 469850), CRI001 370614 (INBIO).
Paratypes. COSTA RICA, Puntarenas: 1♀, Est. Quebrada Bonita, Reserva Bio. Carará 100m, II-1995, R. Guzmán (L N 195250 469850), #4433, CRI002 243672 (INBIO); 1♁, Est. Quebrada Bonita, Reserva Bio. Carará 50m, IV-1994, J. Sabório (L N 194500 469850), #2814, CRI001 754488 (INBIO); 1♁ same data (UFPA); 1♀, Est. Quebrada Bonita, Reserva Bio. Carará 50m, V-1990, R. Zuniga (L N 194500 469850), CRI000 194487 (UFPA); 1♀, Est. Quebrada Bonita, Reserva Bio. Carará, 50m IX-1989, R. Zuniga (L N 194500 469850), CRI000 138657 (INBIO); 1♀, P. N. Corcovado, Desembocadura do Rio Madrigal 5m, 18-III-2003, K. Caballero (L S 267200 519500), # 73590, INB0003710381 (INBIO).
Measurements (n= 7). Total length: 18.5–21.00; head length: 1.6–2.4; head width: 3.0–3.5; pronotum length: 4.0–4.4; pronotum width: 12.8–14.0; scutellum length: 8.5–9.3; scutellum width: 6.7–7.2; abdominal width: 10.6– 11.3; length antennomeres: I: 1.0; II: 1.5–2.3; III: 1.9–2.4; IV: 3.9; V: 4.5.
Diagnosis. Large (18.5–21.00 mm). Dorsal body surface olive green (Fig. 56 E). Ventral surface dark yellow with transversal black bands on thorax and abdomen (Fig. 56 F). Antennae reddish brown (Fig. 56 E–F). Pronotum coarse, densely punctured, with concolorous with the surrounding surface to brown punctures (Fig. 56 E). Humeral angles short (1.7 times wider than long), incrassate; apex with black spot restricted to the angles in dorsal view and restricted to the margin of the angles in ventral view; strongly curved backward (Fig. 56 E–F). Scutellum with brown punctures; apex acute, not reach end of coria (Fig. 56 E). Coria with veins concolorous with the surrounding surface (Fig. 56 E). Connexival segments with concavities entirely covered by rectangular black spots separated by a large yellow spot (Fig. 56 E); black spots extending ventrally, circular (Fig. 56 F). Posterolateral angles of connexivum with apices black (Fig. 56 E). Ventral surface, thorax with black bands; dark band of the propleura covering 2/3 of the width of the sclerite (Fig. 56 F). Proepisternum densely punctured with punctures deep (Fig. 56 F). Evaporatorium concolorous with the surrounding surface; peritreme straight (Fig. 56 F). Metasternal process (Fig. 9 G) with arms of anterior bifurcation straight and laterally well expanded at apex; anterior bifurcation broadly excavated receiving fourth rostral segment. Legs with tibiae and tarsi reddish, remaining yellow (Fig. 56 F). Abdomen with spine of segment III rounded (Figs. 9 G; 56 F). Intersegmental areas covered by narrow solid black bands with well-defined margins, reaching the lateral spots (Fig. 56 F). Pseudosutures concolorous with the surrounding surface (Fig. 56 F, dark lines are a deterioration of the exoskeleton). Median longitudinal brown band incomplete (Fig. 56 F). Trichobothria both parallel to the spiracle. Posterolateral angles of segment VII almost reaching level of apices of laterotergites IX (Fig. 9 F). Male genitalia, posterolateral angles of the pygophore developed, projected laterally (Fig. 9 A, C); apices with spot black (Fig. 9 A–B). Superior processes of the genital cup rectangular, thick, flattened and coarse in posterior view, continuing ventrally in a crenulate high carina ending in a small dentiform projection (Fig. 9 B, E, crenulate carina and dentiform projection barely visible). Diaphragm with contrasting yellow spot (Fig. 9 D–E). Parameres with brown margins; anterior lobe rounded; dorsal lobe large, rounded, laterally curved; posterior lobe rounded (Fig. 9 D–E). Proctiger, posterior face triangular (Fig. 9 D–E). Ventral surface with small black spots laterally and medially (Fig. 9 C). Ventral rim setose, with lateral tuft (Fig. 9 C–D); with expansions slightly developed and concolorous with the surrounding surface (Fig. 9 C). Female genitalia, valvifers VIII with dark punctures; sutural margins slightly detached, but parallel and brown; posterior margin brown and subrectangular. Valvifers IX not carinated. Laterotergites VIII with two dark spots on outer lateral margins. Laterotergites IX with apices acuminate exceeding the mediotergite VIII (Fig. 9 F).
Comments. Edessa (E.) crassicornis sp. n. resembles E. (E.) humeroglobosa sp. n., E. (E.) humerorotunda sp. n., E. (E.) limeirai sp. n., and E. (E.) surinamensis sp. n.. All of them show humeral angles curved; segments of connexivum with dark spots that expands to ventral region of the abdomen; ventrally intersegmental areas black; pygophore with the superior processes of the genital cup with high crenulate carina and ventral rim with lateral subdistal tuft of setae. All species share antennae reddish, except E. (E.) surinamensis sp. n. (antennae yellow). Edessa (E.) crassicornis sp. n. is separated from the others here mentioned by the spots of the ventral side of connexivum rounded (subrectangular in the others) and superior processes of the genital cup with dentiform projection at the end of the carina (the other species without dentiform projection or projection very small).
Distribution (Fig. 72). COSTA RICA: Puntarenas.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 2003-03-18
- Family
- Pentatomidae
- Genus
- Edessa
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Hemiptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Mendonça & Silva & Fernandes
- Species
- crassicornis
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype , paratype
- Verbatim event date
- 2003-03-18
- Taxonomic concept label
- Edessa (Edessa) crassicornis Mendonça, Silva & Fernandes, 2023