Published November 6, 2023 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Dendrobium finetianum Schltr.


  • 1. Institut de Systématique, Évolution, et Biodiversité (ISYEB), Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle / Centre national de la Recherche scientifique / Sorbonne Université / École pratique des Hautes Études, case postale 39, 57 rue Cuvier, F- 75231 Paris cedex 05 (France) marc. pignal @ mnhn. fr


Dendrobium finetianum Schltr.

(Figs 1C; 2; Table 1)

Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 39 (1): 73-74 (Schlechter 1906). — Grastidium finetianum (Schltr.) Rauschert, Feddes Repertorium 94: 449 (Rauschert 1983). — Bouletia finetiana (Schltr.) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones, The Orchadian 13: 485 (Clements & Jones 2002). — Typus: Nouvelle-Calédonie. Auf den Bergen bei Oubatche, 1000 m, 19.XII.1902, fl., R. Schlechter 15505 (lecto-, P[P00121180], here designated; isolecto-, AD[AD966081664] image!, AMES[AMES00287710] image!, BM[BM000505873, BM000990513] images!, BR[BR0000009895034, BR0000009972636] images!, BRI[BRIAQ0279518] image!, E[E00383607] image!, G[G00165517, G00165518] images!, K[K001085489] image!, L[L0059601] image!, LY[LY0562059]!, M[M0226903] image!, NSW[NSW927016] image!, P[P00121181]!, S[S-G-1927] image!).

Dendrobium kanakorum Kraenzl., Das Pflanzenreich (Engler) Orch. Dendrob. pars 1, 107 (Kränzlin 1910), syn. nov. — Typus: NouvelleCalédonie. J. F. Roberts s.n., (holo-, HBG [HBG501543] image!).

ETYMOLOGY. — This species is dedicated to the French botanist Achille Eugène Finet (1863-1913), from the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle. Finet worked on Orchids from New Caledonia and published new species from there.

PHENOLOGY. The taxon has been observed in flower throughout the year (C. Laudereau, pers. comm.). The same stem produces several successive flowerings.

CONSERVATION STATUS. — Least Concern (LC), assessed on 26.X.2015 ( The species is protected in the Northern Province of New Caledonia.

MATERIAL STUDIED. — New Caledonia. Province Nord: Poindimié, Amoa GR Pombei, 20°56’17”S, 165°11’35”E, 7.VIII.2017, fl., C . Laudereau & P.- L. Laudereau 514 (NOU [NOU092567]!); Poindimié, Amoa GR Pombei, 20°56’17”S, 165°11’35”E, 20.X.2018, fl., C . Laudereau & P.- L. Laudereau 1012 (NOU [NOU092614]!); Plateau de Dogny, 900-1000 m, [21°37’24”S, 165°52’41”E], 18. I.1961, fl. H. S. MacKee 8201 (P [P00118594]!); Contrefort Nord-Est du Mt. Panié, forêt humide assez basse, 600-800 m, [20°34’8”S, 164°47’14”E], 11.XII.1965, fl., H. S . MacKee 13873 (P [P00118600]!); Haute Diahot: Forêt Tendé (Expl. For. Frouin), forêt humide, 500- 600 m, 30.IX.1968, fl., [20°24’37”S, 164°31’19”E], H. S . MacKee 19671 (P [P00118596]!); Ponérihouen: Contrefort Est Mt. Aoupinié, forêt humide, 700-850 m, [21°11’1”S, 165°17’49”E], 28. VI.1972, st., H. S. MacKee 25625 (P [P00112235]!); Ponérihouen: Expl. For. Devillers, Pente E Mt. Aoupinié, forêt humide, 500-700 m, [21°10’32”S, 165°18’30”E], 7.XI.1972, fl., H. S . MacKee 25790 (P [P00112246]!); Grauwackes, Ponérihouen: pente E Mt. Aoupinié, forêt humide, 800 m, [21°11’1”S, 165°17’49”E], 20. VI.1973, yfr., H. S. MacKee 26807 (NOU [NOU002533]image!, P [P00112244]!); Pouébo: Crête entre Mandjélia / Tiebo, forêt humide, 750 m, [20°24’23”S, 164°32’15”E], 19.IX.1973, fl., H. S . MacKee 27393 (P [P00112243]!); Haute Houaïlou: Sphinx, forêt rabougrie, 860 m, [21°15’5”S, 165°25’39”E], 23.III.1974, fl., H. S . MacKee 28366 (P [P00112241]!); Balade: forêt au Sud du Col Parari, [20°21’11”S, 164°29’29”E], 23.VII.1974, fl. H. S . MacKee 28933 (P [P00112239]!); Kouaoua: Contrefort N Ménazi, Ravin boisé, 500 m, [21°25’13”S, 165°41’60”E], 26. VI.1977, fl., H. S. MacKee 33422 (P [P00118575]!); Pouébo: Mt. Mandjélia, forêt humide, 700 m, [20°24’9”S, 164°31’28”E], 1.VIII.1977, H. S . MacKee 33665 (P [P00118577]!); Ponérihouen: Mt. Aoupinié, forêt humide, 500 m, [21°9’25”S, 165°19’0”E], 25.VII.1978, fl., H. S . MacKee 35468 (P [P00118578]!); Kouaoua: Dahi, forêt, 500 m, [21°28’8”S, 165°52’44”E], 2.VIII.1978, fl., H. S . MacKee 35517 (P [P00118579]!); Kouaoua: Ménazi, maquis, 900 m, [21°27’13”S, 165°41’17”E], 6.VII.1989, fl., H. S . MacKee 44471 (NOU [NOU002539]image!, P [P00118584]!); Mt. Do, c. 13 air-km NNW of Bouloupari, forested slopes c. 800 m, [21°45’S, 166°0’E], 5.VII.1980, fl., G . McPherson 2825 (MO [MO-3260102], P [P00118571]!); Hienghène, 500-570 m, [20°35’10”S, 164°46’19”E], 5.IV.2006, fl., Y . Pillon, I. Spir et al. 343 (NOU [NOU011623], P [P02103747]!); Mont Görö Até, [21°1’49”S, 165°10’13”E], 19.XI.2002, fl., F . Tronchet, J. Munzinger, D. Létocart, I. Létocart, J.- P. Butin, A. Oddi & A. Obry 483 (MO, P [P00354838]!); Poindimié près de Wagap, fl., E . Vieillard 3280 (P [P00118591]!). — Province Sud: Forêt “Mois de Mai”, [22°6’56”S, 166°39’E], 22. VI.1951, fl., M. G. Baumann-Bodenheim 13948 (P [P00118610]!); Forêt “Mois de Mai”, [22°6’56”S, 166°39’E], 23. VI.1951, fl., M. G. Baumann-Bodenheim 14112 (P [P00118609]!); Rain-forest called “Forêt de Thy”, [22°10’42”S, 166°32’9”E], 28.XII.1959, fl., A. S . Foster & J. Blydenstein 56887 (P [P00118586]!); Port Boisé, 1.IX.1914, [22°20’44.016”S, 166°57’20.988”E], fl., I . Franc 2008 (P [P00112233, P00112234]!); Mont Algaoué, 100 m, [22°11’58”S, 166°30’59”E], 19.XI.1950, fl., A . Guillaumin & M. G. Baumann-Bodenheim 7027 (P [P00118608]!); Mont Algaoué, 100 m, [22°11’58”S, 166°30’59”E], 19.XI.1950, fl., A . Guillaumin & M. G. Baumann-Bodenheim 7031 (P [P00118607]!); Mé Amméri, 700 m, [21°39’28”S, 165°50’26”E], 28.XI.1950, fl., A . Guillaumin & M. G. Baumann-Bodenheim 8762 (P [P00118606]!); Lisière de forêt près de la rivière Bleue (riv. de Yaté), [22°6’S, 166°44’E], 13. VI.1951, fl., H. Hürlimann 1537 (P [P00118604]!); Mont Dore, Forêt de la Superbe, 22°09’25”S, 166°35’28”E, fl., 10.XII.2016, fl., C . Laudereau & P.- L. Laudereau 185 (NOU [NOU092613]!); Yaté, Parc de la Rivière Bleue, 22°06’48”S, 166°38’51”E, fl., 5.II.2017, fl., C . Laudereau & P.- L. Laudereau 317 (NOU [NOU092612]!); Dumbéa Mont Koghis, 22°10’42”S, 166°30’30”E, 19.VIII.2017, fl., C . Laudereau & P.- L. Laudereau 540 (NOU [NOU092611]!, P [P02275935]!); Boulouparis, mt. Do, 21°45’14”S, 166°00’01”E, fl., 27.VIII.2017, fl., C . Laudereau & P.- L. Laudereau 554 (NOU [NOU092610]!); Mt. Pente Koghi Vallée Thy, forêt, 400-800 m, [22°10’42”S, 166°31’37”E], 22.VII.1956, fl., H. S . MacKee 4958 (P [P00118595]!); Vallée Haute rivière des Pirogues, 200 m, [22°10’48”S, 166°41’9”E], 14. VI.1965, fl., H. S. MacKee 12812 (P [P00118601]!); Plaine des Lacs: Haute Rivière Blanche – Forêt “Les Electriques”, forêt humide, 400 m, [22°10’59”S, 166°39’54”E], 27.VII.1966, fl., H. S . MacKee 15383 (P [P00118599]!); Vallée de Mamié, forêt mixte à chêne gomme (Spermolepis), 200 m, [22°4’15”S, 166°51’38”E], 6.X.1966, fl., H. S . MacKee 15744 (P [P00118598]!); Col Amieu: Oua Némi, forêt humide, 300 m, [21°35’18”S, 165°48’47”E], 13.XI.1971, fl., H. S . MacKee 24682 (P [P00112237]!); Farino: Pic Vincent, forêt humide, 600-700 m, [21°36’43”S, 165°46’12”E], 3.III.1973, fl., H. S . MacKee 26348 (P [P00112245]!); Basse Vallée Ouinné, forêt-galerie, 20 m, [21°59’4”S, 166°39’56”E], 3.VII.1973, H. S . MacKee 27567 (P [P00112242]!); Crête au S Baie Ouinné, Forêt humide, 500-600 m, [21°59’51”S, 166°40’15”E], 27. V.1974, H. S . MacKee 28737 (P [P00112240]!); Pente SW Mt. Ouin, forêt humide, 1100 m, [22°0’43”S, 166°27’18”E], 11.VIII.1974, H. S . MacKee 29067 (P [P00112238]!); Mt. Do, forêt humide, 950 m, [21°45’38”S, 165°59’50”E], 22.XI.1976, H. S . MacKee 32285 (P [P00118585]!); Port Boisé, forêt, 20 m, [22°21’14”S, 166°56’38”E], 17. VI.1979, fl., H. S. MacKee 37042 (P [P00118576]!); Pente E Mt. Kouakoué, forêt humide, 600 m, [21°57’3”S, 166°33’38”E], 1.XI.1981, fl., H. S . MacKee 39721 (P [P00118580]!); Prony: Forêt Nord, forêt humide, 250 m, [22°19’45”S, 166°55’25”E], 7. VI.1988, H. S . MacKee 43968 (NOU [NOU002537]image!, P [P00118581, P00118582]!); Yaté, forêt, 250 m, [22°9’22”S, 166°53’58”E], 6.VII.1988, fl., H. S . MacKee 43990 (P [P00118583]!); Along old lumber road to top of Mt. Ori, above Katrikoin, c. 800 m, [21°31’S, 165°39’E], 7.IX.1980, fl., G . McPherson 3059 (P [P00118572]!); Along lumber roads W of seismic station at first pass along road to Mt. Dzumac from Dumbéa, forest c. 500 m, [22°2’29”S, 166°28’29”E], 19. VI.1981, fl., G. McPherson 3863 (NOU [NOU002538], P [P00118570]!); Forêt Faux Bon Secours, [22°10’10”S, 166°41’45”E], 13.IV.1977, fl., P . Morat 5408 (P [P00118574]!); forêt Inco S2, “Forêt menacée”, [22°18’14”S, 166°55’16”E], 16.VIII.2004, fl., J . Munzinger & F. Rigault 2313 (P [P00684686]!); Massif du Kouakoué, bassin de la Haute Ni, maquis, 950 m, [22°0’14”S, 166°29’8”E], 28.IV.2004, fl., M . Pignal, J. Munzinger & P. Lowry 2387 (K, NOU [NOU052392]!, P [P00771513]!); Auf den Bergen bei Oubatche, 1000 m, 19.XII.1902, fl., F. R. R . Schlechter 15505 (P [P00121181, P00118599]!); Versant Sud et Est du Minga, vers 1000-1200m, [21°45’12”S, 166°9’41”E], 8. VI.1972, fl., J.- M. Veillon 2585 (NOU [NOU002540]image!, P [P00118592]!); Forêts des pentes Sud-Ouest du Pic du Rocher, [22°5’35”S, 166°35’16”E], V.1938, fl., R. Virot s.n. (P [P00118590]!). — Without precise locality: Commun en plaine sur des arbres clairs, 1964, fl., T . Legand 14 (P [P00118603]!). — Grande Terre, 14. VI.1976, fl., H. S. MacKee & R. Aymard 31400 (P [P00118587]!).


While Hallé (1977) was preparing his revision of the Orchidaceae Kränzlin's material at HBG was not available, but it is once again accessible (Christenson 1994) and the digital version can be examined at ( Dendrobium kanakorum was considered by Hallé (1977) to be a doubtful species, based only on his reading of the protologue. Careful examination, however, shows an inconsistency between the description and the illustration of the flower provided in Fig. 5 L, M in the protologue. Schlechter (1911: 84) had already pointed out a possible error in Fig. 5E-G, which he regarded as belonging to another species, D. minahassae Kraenzl. Our review confirms that Fig. 5 L, M indeed corresponds to the description of D. minahassae and Fig.5E-G to that of D. kanakorum.

The description of the protologue and examination of the digitized specimen Roberts s.n. (HBG 501543) confirm that the habit of this taxon is identical to that of members of the Dendrobium finetianum group. The description of the flower shape and size conforms broadly to that of D. finetianum: “ Flores pallide roseo-violacei (intensius striati?). Sepalum dorsale petalaque 4-5 mm, sepala lateralia 6-7 mm longa, 1,5 v. 2 mm lata, labellum cum ungue 5 mm longum, antice 3 mm latum ” (flowers pale purplish pink (with more intense stripes?).Dorsal sepal and petals 4-5 mm, lateral sepals 6-7 mm long, 1.5 to 2 mm wide, labellum with a 5 mm long claw, front [median lobe?] 3 mm wide). A comparison of the characters indicated in the protologue with those of the three species comprising the D. finetianum group is summarised in Table 1. The measurements and descriptions (with the exception of claw size, which is imprecise) clearly indicate that D. kanakorum falls within the range of variation of D. finetianum and should therefore be placed in synonymy.


Epiphyte with erect, closely spaced stems with a slightly bulging basal internode. Rhizome short, flexuous, branching, sympodial. Stem flexuose, (146-)235-395(-530) × (1.2-)1.6- 2.5(-4.6) mm, bearing (0-)10-15(-19) leaves, often leafless at the base. Internodes (9-)15-20(-29) mm. Sheaths slightly overlapping, same length as the internodes. Leaf blade lanceolate, (17-)39-52(-79) × (3-)5-7(-12) mm, apex long- or short-attenuate, slightly asymmetrical. Inflorescences 1-4 per stem, in axillary and subterminal racemes, sometimes bifid, (11-)31-50(-86) mm, borne at the base of the sheaths to which they are axillary, making them appear opposite the next-most proximal leaf, sometimes on defoliated stems (sheaths persistent), each bearing (4-)7-11(-18) flowers. Flowers resupinate. Triangular bracts c. 2 mm. Pedicel 8-12 mm. Tepals variable in color, yellow to brown, with irregular red streaks, glossy, margin revolute with age. Dorsal sepal narrowly ovate to oblong, (4-)5-6(-7) × (1.2-)2(-3) mm. Lateral sepals triangular-ovate, (5-)6(-7) × (1.5-)2.2(-3) mm. Petals obovate to spatulate, (6 -)6.5 × 1.5-2 mm. Mentum white-yellow, 2 × 1.2 mm, furrowed. Labellum, 4-5 × 3-3.5 mm, 3-lobed. Lateral lobes erect, approximately ovate-rectangular, 1.5 × 1 mm, white with longitudinal stripes of dark or light pink (all-white labellum exists). Hypochile bright orange. Callus with 4 orange, yellow or sometimes white gibbosities, 0.5 mm wide. Median lobe ovate, 2.5 × 3 mm, white streaked laterally with pink (sometimes very pale), tips of lobules white, lateral lobules triangular ovate, c. 1 mm wide, median lobule, 2.25 × 2 mm, tuberculate in center on distal half, margin strongly undulate, with apex folded inward. Column 2 × 1.2 mm, c. 0.5 mm deep, yellowish-white externally, furrowed ventrally, with dark orange spots at base of stigmatic orifice, apex pink, margins of furrow very pubescent. Lateral staminodes white. Stigmatic cavity 0.6 × 0.8 mm wide. Connective dark pink, 0.7 mm wide, 0.5 mm high, 0.6 mm deep, with white fimbra on the front. Pollinia obovoid, dark yellow, 0.5 × 0.14 mm. Ovary 1-2 mm, slightly curved. Capsule fusiform to obovoid, green, 12 × 4 mm, pedicel 13 mm.


Published as part of Pignal, Marc, 2023, Two new species of Dendrobium Sw. from New Caledonia in the section Macrocladium Schltr. and a note about Dendrobium kanakorum Kraenzl., pp. 385-393 in Adansonia (3) (3) 45 (25) on pages 387-388, DOI: 10.5252/adansonia2023v45a25,


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Collection code
GR , J, F, HBG , LC , P, H, S , VI
Event date
1965-12-11 , 1966-07-27 , 1973-09-19 , 1974-03-23 , 2015-10-26 , 2017-08-07
Material sample ID
HBG501543 , NOU002533, P00112244 , NOU092567 , P00112243 , P00118594 , P00118601
Scientific name authorship
Taxon rank
Type status
Verbatim event date
1965-12-11 , 1966-07-27 , 1973-09-19 , 1974-03-23 , 2015-10-26 , 2017-08-07


  • SCHLECHTER R. 1906. - Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Flora von Neu-Kaledonien. Botanische Jahrbucher fur Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 39 (1): 1 - 274.
  • RAUSCHERT S. 1983. - Beitrag zur Nomenklatur der Orchidaceae. Feddes Repertorium 94 (7 - 8): 433 - 471.
  • CLEMENTS M. A. & JONES D. L. 2002. - Nomenclatural changes in the Dendrobieae (Orchidaceae). 1: The Australasian region. The Orchadian 13: 485 - 497.
  • KRANZLIN F. 1910. - Orchidaceae: Dendrobiinae. Das Pflanzenreich IV, 50 II B (21): 1 - 331. https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 22040880
  • HALLE N. 1977. - Orchidaceae. Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, 565 p. (Flore de la Nouvelle-Caledonie; 8).
  • CHRISTENSON E. A. 1994. - Significant collections of Orchidaceae conserved in Herbarium Hamburgense (HBG). Brittonia 46 (4): 344. https: // doi. org / 10.2307 / 2806920
  • SCHLECHTER R. 1911. - Zur Kenntnis der Orchidaceen von Celebes. Repertorium regni vegetabilis 10 (5 - 9): 66 - 96.