Published November 21, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Examining the Effectiveness of Tax Incentives in Enhancing Profitability of Manufacturing Companies in Southwest Nigeria

  • 1. Department of Management & Accounting, Lead City University Ibadan, Nigeria


This study investigated effectiveness of tax incentives in enhancing profitability of

manufacturing companies in Southwest Nigeria, as there are few studies on the subject,

particularly in the Nigerian context. The study was guided by optimal theory, investment

behavior theory, and agency theory. There were four research questions and hypotheses

developed. A cross-sectional research survey was used in the study. The population of the

study included all top management personnel from the three thousand and sixty-four

(3064) manufacturing companies. The study data was analyzed using descriptive statistics

and inferential statistics. A modified questionnaire was used, and its face and content were

validated by experts, while the construct validity requirements were met using the Fornell-

Larcker criterion. Cronbach's alpha was used to test for reliability, and average value was

larger than 0.7. Purposive sampling was used to choose 86 companies based on the

availability and suitability of their records for the study data needs. A total of 172

respondents were chosen from 86 manufacturing companies, with two (2) respondents

from each. Tax incentives had a significant effect on profitability (Adj R2 = 0.942, F(5,137)=

461.796, p= 0.000) and return on investment (Adj R2 = 0.882, F(5,137)= 213.859, p= 0.000. It

was concluded that tax incentives have a significant effect on financial performance and

that firm size positively strengthen the effect of interaction between tax incentives and

financial performance in southwest Nigerian manufacturing companies. It was

recommended that the government review tax incentive policies on a regular basis and

increase tax incentives to boost economic growth through manufacturing sector.

Meanwhile, companies should seek ways to raise sufficient funds to enable them to operate

on a relatively large scale in order to improve financial performance.


JFAFI Volume 8, Issue 1, January - June, 2023 (1)_11-33.pdf

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