Published November 18, 2023 | Version 2.0
Software Open

Helmholtz-, solenoidal, and toroidal coils – Python animation (Version 2.0)


  • 1. University of Bayreuth


Version 2.0, the display option for solenoids, toroids, and the Helmholtz pair of coils are integrated into one single animation. It allows to investigate the superposition of the fields of n current loops, with n ranging from 1 to 40. In addition to previous versions, the slider control is improved, and the decay of the field H(r) outside the coil is indicated in an additional window. It demonstrates the remarkable feature that the field decays with H(r) ~ pow(r, -(n+2)) in the toroidal arrangement, in analogy to the corresponding magnetic dipole cluster illustrated by


Python scripts fo the animation of Helmholtz- and toroidal coils 2_0.pdf

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Software: 10.5281/zenodo.6484441 (DOI)
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