Published November 13, 2023
| Version v2.0.0
IPBES nexus assessment - Chapter 2, data management report 2 – Analyses to assess trends of nexus elements, direct and indirect drivers
The objective of the underlying time series analysis is the assessment of long-term temporal trends (1970-2022) of the five nexus elements and of direct and indirect drivers as well as regional differences of those trends. They result in the following figures:
- Chapter 2, Figure 2.5: Temporal trends of direct drivers (1970 to 2022)
- Chapter 2, Figure 2.6: Temporal trends of indirect drivers (1970 to 2022)
- Chapter 2, Figure 2.9: Temporal trends of nexus elements (1970 to 2022)
- Chapter 2, Figure 2.10: Regional differences (by income level) of the status (2005-2014 mean) of nexus elements
The analysis is based on a set of indicators (Table 1) which are considered being appropriate proxy for the different nexus elements as well as direct and indirect drivers. See Table 1 for more details on the indicators and respective data sources.