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Published December 30, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity: The metamorphosis of the world and the insertion of geopolitical risks as a concern of spatial planning

  • 1. ROR icon Universidade Estadual de Campinas


Due to the various and cumulative crises that have place in the current state of the International System, this paper proposes a reflection on the mediation between geopolitical risk factors and concerns related to territorial and spatial planning. The reach that goal, I propose an approximation on the ideas of "VUCA world", used as a relevant framework in spatial planning, and the analysis put forward by Ulrich Beck (2018) on the "metamorphosis of the world". By reviewing literature, as well as analysing relevant discourses on the matter, I seek to debate the similitude between the two ideas, pointing to the notion of geopolitical risk as a tool that might help to wonder on the current state of the world, as well as its consequences to spatial planning.



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