Published November 11, 2023 | Version v2
Dataset Open

GNSS-IR data for "Real-time water levels using GNSS-IR: a potential tool for flood monitoring"

  • 1. McGill University


Organised SNR data used for GNSS-IR analysis in the article "Real-time water levels using GNSS-IR: a potential tool for flood monitoring" by David Purnell, Natalya Gomez, William Minarik and Gregory Langston.


The directories 'rv3s' and 'sjdlr' contain SNR data corresponding to sites Trois-Rivières and Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rive, respectively.


Software for processing the data can be found at:


SNR data is given as text files in the format specified here except for columns 4+:


1. sat PRN with an offset such that GLONASS satellites are between 100-200 and Galileo are between 200-300

2. satellite elevation (degrees)

3. azi is satellite azimuth (degrees)

4. GPS time (seconds since 1980)

5. L1 SNR


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