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Published November 13, 2023 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

ProgGP: From GuitarPro Tablature Neural Generation To Progressive Metal Production


Recent work in the field of symbolic music generation has shown value in using a tokenization based on the GuitarPro format, a symbolic representation supporting guitar expressive attributes, as an input and output representation. We extend this work by fine-tuning a pre-trained Transformer model on ProgGP, a custom dataset of 173 progressive metal songs, for the purposes of creating compositions from that genre through a human-AI partnership. Our model is able to generate multiple guitar, bass guitar, drums, piano and orchestral parts. We examine the validity of the generated music using a mixed methods approach by combining quantitative analyses following a computational musicology paradigm and qualitative analyses following a practice-based research paradigm. Finally, we demon­strate the value of the model by using it as a tool to create a progressive metal song, fully produced and mixed by a human metal producer based on AI-generated music.



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