Published March 31, 2010 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

New Records for Seven Rare Nearctic Species of False Click Beetles (Coleoptera: Eucnemidae)


Otto, Robert L. (2010): New Records for Seven Rare Nearctic Species of False Click Beetles (Coleoptera: Eucnemidae). The Coleopterists Bulletin 64 (1): 92-93, DOI: 10.1649/0010-065x-64.1.92, URL:



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  • occurs in Wisconsin. Wisconsin: Jackson Co., Black Nematodes collaris Bonvouloir, 1872
  • 2005, R. Murphy, flight intercept trap (UWEM); All of the examined specimens are unicolored La Crosse Co., West Salem, site 1, 44°04'N, 91° dark brown, instead of the bicolored form of 04'W, 7.vii.2005, site 5, 44°04'N, 91°05'W, 7.vii. orange pronotum and dark elytra generally attributed 2005, site 11, 44°04'N, 91°04'W, 21.vii.2005, R. to the species (Bonvouloir 1872; Blatchley 1910; Murphy, flight intercept trap (UWEM); Waupaca Muona 1996, 2000). It is very close to and difficult Co., J. Baker property, site 3, 44°19'N, 89°06'W, to separate from the common Nematodes atropos 6.vii.2005, site 2, 44°19'N, 89°06'W, 20.vii.2005, R. (Say). Elongated 11th antennomere and deeper im- Murphy, flight intercept trap (UWEM); Waushara Co., pressions of the pronotum are traits used to distin- D. Balliet property, site 1, 44°08'N, 89°14'W, 20. guish this species from N. atropos. The species was vii.2005, R. Murphy, flight intercept trap (UWEM). previously known to occur in Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Ohio, and South Carolina and was Euryptychus arizonicus (Van Dyke, 1945) regarded as extinct by Muona (2000). The recent collections indicate the species continues to live This species was previously known from south- in Ohio and also persists in Missouri. Missouri: eastern Arizona and north central New Mexico Carter Co., Ozark National Scenic Riverway, Big 93
  • Spring Campground, T27N R1E sec 31 (SE ¼), Allen was able to confirm the identity of his speciemerged, extracted from trunk of men through an image sent to him. The collected standing dead Platanus occidentalis L., 31.iii. specimen was found in a turpentine trap placed in 2002, T.C. MacRae (TCMC); Jackson Co., Jackson, a redwood forest (A. Allen, in litt.). California: El vi.1998 (RLOC); Newton Co., Joplin,, Dorado Co., 13 miles E. Georgetown, Blodgett T.C. MacRae, taken at light (TCMC). Ohio: Forest, 5.v.1990, K. Hobson (AAPC).
  • Cuyahoga Co.,, R.J. Buss, on dead
  • hickory (RJBC, RLOC); Preble Co., Camden, Xylophilus crassicornis Muona, 2000, M. Ulyshen, blacklight (RLOC).
  • One specimen was compared to a specimen of Onychodon rugicollis (Fall, 1925) Xylophilus cylindriformis (Horn) from California.
  • The sparse punctation on the pronotum and elytra This species was previously known from Alabama, as well as the antennal form are distinctive to be able Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, North to separate it from X. cylindriformis. Xylophilus Carolina, and Texas (Muona 2000). The follow- crassicornis was previously known from Annapolis, ing records indicate O. rugicollis also occurs in Maryland. The following record indicates it has a Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Kentucky: significantly greater range, extending to Alabama. Woodford Co., 25 mi NW Lexington, Clide E. Alabama: Blount Co., Highland Lake, vi-vii.1996, Buckley Wildlife Sanctuary, 24-25.iii.1995, R.L. T. King, light trap (RLOC).
  • Otto, reared on 29.iv.1995 (RLOC). Pennsylvania:
  • Westmoreland Co., 10 km S. Ligonier, Powdermill I wish to extend my thanks to Albert Allen, Rick Natural Reserve,, D.A. Pollock, dead Buss, Roy Morris, Darren Pollock, the late Alistair trees and fungus at night (RLOC). Wisconsin: Ramsdale, and Michael Ulyshen for the specimens Adams Co., Quincy Bluff & Wetland State Natural now in my care in the collection; to Brian Baldwin, Area, 43°52'N, 89°53'W,, 43°52'N, Craig Brabandt, Ted MacRae, and Dan Young (UW- 89°53'W, 18-26.vii.2002, D.K. Young, lindgren Madison), each who opened their collections in order funnel trap (UWEM); Columbia Co., Rocky Run to identify those materials; to Albert Allen, Brian Creek State Fishery Area, 43°27'N, 89°21'W, 18. Baldwin, Ted MacRae, Ed Riley and Mike Thomas, vii.2000, A. Ramsdale (RLOC); Grant Co., Lower who provided label information from several speci- Wisconsin River State Wildlife Area - Muscoda mens; to Ed Riley, Jens Prena, and others who reunit, 43°12'N, 90°31'W, 8.v.1999, C.M. Brabandt, viewed and provided comments on this paper.
  • emerged on and REFERENCES CITED
  • Ground, T8N R1W sec 5,, J.P. Gruber, Blatchley, W. S. 1910. An Illustrated Descriptive emerged from dead standing trunk of tree Catalogue of the Coleoptera or Beetles (exclusive
  • Nature Publishing Company, Indianapolis, IN. Refuge, 30.vii.1996, K. Pope, flight intercept trap 1,386 pp.
  • #156 (UWEM); Monroe Co., Ft. McCoy South Bonvouloir, H. A. de. 1872. Monographie de la Famille Post, Silver Creek State Natural Area, de Eucnemides, 2nd part. Annales de la Societe vii.1997, J. Maxwell, flight intercept trap (UWEM), Entomologique de France (Supplement): 289-560. Ft. McCoy, 1.5 miles E. of Badger Drop Zone, Muona, J. 1996. Eucnemidae. [pp. 828-837]. In: The 17-22.vii.1997, J. Maxwell, flight intercept trap Beetles of Northeastern North America II (R. (UWEM); Sauk Co., Hemlock Draw, T10N R5E Arnett and M. N. Downie, editors). The Sandhill sec 7, 3-7.vii.1999, A. Ramsdale, flight intercept Crane Press, Gainesville, FL. 1,720 pp.
  • Muona, J. 2000. A Revision of the Nearctic Eucnemidae. trap in mesic hardwood forest (RLOC).
  • Prautianus americanus (Horn, 1872) Robert L. Otto, 14323 Hwy M West, Suring, WI 54174,