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Published November 10, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Argentina National Map of Crops 2022/2023

  • 1. Instituto de Clima y Agua, INTA, Argentina
  • 2. (Instituto de Clima y Agua, INTA, Argentina
  • 3. AER Olavarría, INTA, Argentina
  • 4. EEA Balcarce, INTA, Argentina
  • 5. AER Villa Mercedes, INTA, Argentina
  • 6. AER San Cristobal, INTA, Argentina
  • 7. AER Tartagal, INTA, Argentina
  • 8. EEA Pergamino, INTA, Argentina
  • 9. AER Junín, INTA, Argentina
  • 10. EEA Salta, INTA, Argentina
  • 11. Inst. de Investigación y Desa. Tecn. p/ Agr.Fam. Reg. Noa, INTA, Argentina
  • 12. EEA Saenz Peña, INTA, Argentina
  • 13. EEA Famaillá, INTA, Argentina
  • 14. EEA Corrientes, INTA, Argentina
  • 15. CEI Barrow, MDA-INTA, Argentina
  • 16. EEA Rafaela, INTA, Argentina
  • 17. AER Reconquista, INTA, Argentina
  • 18. AER Las Toscas, INTA, Argentina
  • 19. AER Tostado, INTA, Argentina
  • 20. AER Ceres, INTA, Argentina
  • 21. AER Calchaquí, INTA, Argentina
  • 22. AER San Javier, INTA, Argentina
  • 23. AER Esperanza, INTA, Argentina
  • 24. AER Pellegrini, INTA, Argentina
  • 25. AER Galvez, INTA, Argentina
  • 26. FCA - UnMDP
  • 27. AER Necochea, INTA, Argentina
  • 28. AER Tandil, INTA, Argentina
  • 29. AER Lobería, INTA, Argentina


Crop type map covering the main agricultural areas of Argentina for growing season 2022/2023. This version includes two different maps for winter and summer crops. Maps were generated using supervised classification methods with samples obtained from on-road surveys and Landsat satellite images along the growing season. Files provided include a Geotiff version of each map with a resolution of 30 m and legend style files. The report includes the methodological details, map legend and accuracy assessments (in Spanish). A web visualizer can be accessed through the following link:


Informe Mapa Nacional de Cultivos campaña 2022_2023.pdf

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Translated title (Spanish)
Mapa Nacional de Cultivos de Argentina Campaña 2022/2023