Published November 10, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

R3PACK WP3 D.3.4 – Decision-support model for reuse


This deliverable introduces a novel optimisation location-allocation MILP model to aid in designing the closed-loop network of reusable primary food packaging defined by the R3PACK project. The following pages show the main entities (packaging, lines, facilities, shops) handled by the optimisation model and explain the nature of decision variables, the goal of the objective function, and the domain of the potential solution respecting the constraints. The optimisation model is then applied to the R3PACK demonstrator case, and preliminary results are illustrated and discussed.


R3PACK WP3 D.3.4 – Decision-support model for reuse.pdf

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European Commission
R3PACK – Reduce, Reuse, Rethink PACKaging: towards novel fiber-based packaging and reuse schemes uptake 101060806

