Lists of angiosperms in the campos rupestres according to Reflora
These two files contain a list of angiosperm species occurring in the campos rupestres.
The file cr_list_zenodo.xlsx contains a column with angiosperm species, a column with their corresponding scientific names, and a column with ID number as per information stored in Reflora's database.
The file list_syn_merged_no_underscore_noNA_unique_accepted_after_syn_analysis_only_angiosperms_zenodo.xlsx contains a column describing the status of the species according to REFLORA, a column indicating clade (in this case angiosperms), a column with an assigned number, a column with the accepted names as per REFLORA, and a column containing merged synonyms, sourced from TROPICOS, ITIS, GBIF and REFLORA.
This file is color coded according to the following logic:
- Red cells indicate there was a lot of dissonance between synonyms retrieved from different databases (TROPICOS, ITIS, GBIF and REFLORA)
- Pink cells indicate REFLORA didn't list the same synonyms as the other database, in which case the synonyms not listed in REFLORA were highlighted in red.
- Orange cells indicate only REFLORA had synonyms for a given taxon (synonyms highlighted in green).
- Green cells indicate the data between REFLORA and the other databases was matched.
- Yellow, blue and salmon cells indicate that species had infraspecific taxa.
Additional details
Additional titles
- Translated title (Portuguese)
- Listas das angiospermas dos campos rupestres seguindo a taxonomia do Reflora
- U.S. National Science Foundation
- Digitization: iDigBio: Integrated Digitized Biocollections Phase 2 DBI-1547229
- U.S. National Science Foundation
- CIBR: Collaborative Research: Integrating data communities with BiotaPhy: a computational platform for data-intensive biodiversity research and training DBI-1930007