Published November 8, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Lists of angiosperms in the campos rupestres according to Reflora

  • 1. ROR icon University of Florida


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These two files contain a list of angiosperm species occurring in the campos rupestres.

The file cr_list_zenodo.xlsx contains a column with angiosperm species, a column with their corresponding scientific names, and a column with ID number as per information stored in Reflora's database.

The file list_syn_merged_no_underscore_noNA_unique_accepted_after_syn_analysis_only_angiosperms_zenodo.xlsx contains a column describing the status of the species according to REFLORA, a column indicating clade (in this case angiosperms), a column with an assigned number, a column with the accepted names as per REFLORA, and a column containing merged synonyms, sourced from TROPICOS, ITIS, GBIF and REFLORA. 

This file is color coded according to the following logic:

  • Red cells indicate there was a lot of dissonance between synonyms retrieved from different databases (TROPICOS, ITIS, GBIF and REFLORA)
  • Pink cells indicate REFLORA didn't list the same synonyms as the other database, in which case the synonyms not listed in REFLORA were highlighted in red.
  • Orange cells indicate only REFLORA had synonyms for a given taxon (synonyms highlighted in green). 
  • Green cells indicate the data between REFLORA and the other databases was matched.
  • Yellow, blue and salmon cells indicate that species had infraspecific taxa.



The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.

Additional details

Additional titles

Translated title (Portuguese)
Listas das angiospermas dos campos rupestres seguindo a taxonomia do Reflora


U.S. National Science Foundation
Digitization: iDigBio: Integrated Digitized Biocollections Phase 2 DBI-1547229
U.S. National Science Foundation
CIBR: Collaborative Research: Integrating data communities with BiotaPhy: a computational platform for data-intensive biodiversity research and training DBI-1930007