Published November 7, 2023 | Version v2
Report Open

Gender Imbalances at the Meso-Level: Gathering Insights from Researchers Through a Web Survey


By drawing from 4 types of data collected ad hoc within each MINDtheGEPs' implementing partners, this report assumes a pivotal role in enriching our comprehension of gender equality within diverse contexts. It was first shared as a deliverable from the project titled D2.2 Report on gender imbalances at meso-level. After anonymization of results, in order to facilitate reading, this report has been divided into three sub-reports: Gender Imbalances at the Meso-Level: A Multi-Indicator Approach to Organisational Gender Data, Gender Imbalances at the Meso-Level: Gathering Insights from Researchers Through a Web Survey, and Gender Imbalances at the Meso-Level: Gathering Insights Through Interviews with Key Informants and Researchers.

Through a web survey addressed to research and administrative staff at partner organizations, we have collected objective data on gender gaps, which need to go together with subjective perceptions on how the research career works and should work and on the existence of forms of gender inequalities. In this report, Gender Imbalances at the Meso-Level: Gathering Insights from Researchers Through a Web Survey, we share our findings. Details about the MINDtheGEPs partners who are implementing Gender Equality Plans are available in Annex 1. 



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MINDtheGEPs – Modifying Institution by Developing Gender Equality Plans 101006543
European Commission