Published March 28, 2023 | Version 1
Project deliverable Open

Blue-Cloud D5.4 Communication, Dissemination & Stakeholders Engagement Final Report, including events

  • 1. Trust-IT Services
  • 1. Trust-IT Services


The main goal of the Communication, Dissemination & Stakeholder Engagement activities carried out under Blue-Cloud's WP5 was to raise awareness of, disseminate, and facilitate early adoption of the Blue-Cloud assets, including Key Exploitable Results (KERs), among target stakeholder groups. 

The Blue-Cloud "D5.4 Communication, Dissemination & Stakeholders Engagement Final Report, including events" reports on the activities and achievements of the project from M19 (April 2021) to M42 (March 2023), building on the "D5.2 Communication, Dissemination & Stakeholders Engagement Interim Report", which covered efforts from the project start up to M18 (March 2021). 

The main focus of the project during the M19-M42 reported period was to consolidate stakeholder engagement for each target group by disseminating the project's KERs towards promoting uptake and wider exploitation. Aside from the dissemination of technical results, this period was also dedicated to further promoting dialogue and engagement with key stakeholder communities towards the Blue-Cloud Roadmap to 2030, which produced policy recommendations for the further evolution of Blue-Cloud into the decade. 

The document is divided in specific sections, listing the key activities and achievements: 

Section 1 introduces the current Blue-Cloud community 

Section 2 gives an overview of the specific actions undertaken to promote Blue-Cloud KERs and key assets to target stakeholder groups; 

Section 3 lists the main communication activities carried out in M19-M41; 

Section 4 provides an overview of Blue-Cloud presence at events organised by the project or third-party events, along with other initiatives; 

Section 5 is dedicated to the synergies established with different, related initiatives and projects; 

Section 6 briefly explains how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the project and the contingency plans implemented; 

Section 7 lists a quick overview of the Key Performance Indicators achieved by M41; 

Section 8 summarises and offers an overall conclusion.



Additional details


Blue Cloud – Blue-Cloud: Piloting innovative services for Marine Research & the Blue Economy 862409
European Commission