Published April 30, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

SECURE Deliverable 1.1: STATE-OF-THE-ART on Research Career Frameworks

  • 1. Technopolis Group
  • 2. Eurodoc
  • 3. International Consortium of Research Staff Associations
  • 4. Marie Curie Alumni Association


SECURE Work Package (WP) 1 - State-of-the-Art on existing literature and recommendations related to research career frameworks (RCFs) is focusing on recruitment and working conditions for researchers, career development and progression for researchers, and interinstitutional (between academic institutions), intersectoral (across sectors), and international (across countries) mobility.

The SECURE project aims at developing a RCF as a common researchers' career structure, recognising the diversification of careers, interinstitutional, intersectoral, and international mobility, and competences gained and needed by PhD candidates and postdocs within and outside academia. The RCF will build on existing best practices and link, as planned in the proposal, to the implementation and revision of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter and Code)1, the revision of the European Skills/Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO)2, the new European Competence Framework for Researchers, and the upcoming Council Recommendations on a European Framework to Attract and Retain Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Talents.

Relevant existing literature and recommendations have been reviewed which focus on recruitment and working conditions for researchers, career development and progression for researchers, and interinstitutional, intersectoral, and international mobility. The reviews include key topics of research(er) assessment, research and transversal skills/competencies and training, research career precarity, gender equality, and Open Science. Finally, the reviews reflect on research careers in both the public and private sectors. The state-of-the-art will mainly feed into the work in:

  • WP2 on the development of the RCF;
  • WP3 on the development of tenure track-like (TTL) models;
  • WP4 on the implementation and monitoring of the RCF at pilot organisations.

Deliverable 1.1 - State of the Art on Research Career Frameworks has the overall objective to present the results of the literature review and provide input to the project's overall objective to "develop coordination and support measures to create, trial, implement, and mainstream a common [RCF] that offers a suite of options to support organisations in the recruitment, employment, training, development, progression, and mobility of researchers with the aim of improving research careers and reducing career precarity." The presented work will further evolve in subsequent WPs, through consultation and testing.

The subsequent chapters of this deliverable are structured as follows:

  • Chapter 2: Overall Methodology for Literature Review
  • Chapter 3: Overall Overview on Research Career Frameworks
  • Chapter 4: Recruitment and Working Conditions for Researchers
  • Chapter 5: Career Development and Progression for Researchers
  • Chapter 6: Interinstitutional, Intersectoral, and International mobility
  • Chapter 7: Conclusions and Input to WP2/WP3/WP4
  • Chapter 8: Annexes - Full Bibliography


SECURE WP 1 - Deliverable 1.1_V2_30042023_final.pdf

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SECURE – Sustainable Careers for Researcher Empowerment 101094902
European Commission
Sustainable Careers for Researcher Empowerment 10063650
UK Research and Innovation


  • European Commission. European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (2005) -
  • European Commission. ESCO European Skills/Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (2020) -
  • European Commission. Towards a European Framework for Research Careers (2011)
  • Vitae. Researcher Development Framework (2010) -
  • European Commission. Technical Document on a European Framework for Research Careers. Unpublished document for ERAC Plenary Meeting in February 2023 (2023)
  • European Commission. Technical Document on a European Framework for Research Careers. Unpublished document for ERAC Plenary Meeting in February 2023 (2023)
  • Council of the European Union. Council conclusions on the Future Governance of the European Research Area (2021)
  • Council of the European Union. Council conclusions on "Deepening the European Research Area: Providing researchers with attractive and sustainable careers and working conditions and making brain circulation a reality" (2021)
  • Council of the European Union. Council Recommendation on a Pact for Research and Innovation in Europe (2021)
  • European Commission. Commission Communication on a European Skills Agenda for Sustainable Competitiveness, Social Fairness, and Resilience (2020)
  • European Commission. Commission Communication on a European Strategy for Universities (2022)
  • European Commission. Towards a European Framework for Research Careers (2011)
  • European Commission. Technical Document on a European Framework for Research Careers. Unpublished document for ERAC Plenary Meeting in February 2023 (2023)
  • European Commission. Knowledge ecosystems in the new ERA: Talent circulation and intersectoral mobility : analytical report with a mapping of talent mobility and causes of brain drain (2022)
  • Consult IDEA. Support for continued data collection and analysis concerning mobility patterns and career paths of researchers (2013)
  • European Commission. Evaluation of research careers fully acknowledging Open Science practices (2013)
  • SECURE's sister project OPUS is focusing on indicators, metrics, and interventions to promote Open Science.
  • OECD. Reducing the precarity of academic research careers (2021) -
  • The Academic Careers Observatory (ACO) provides info on academic careers by country, discipline and theme aiming at facilitating researcher mobility -
  • UNESCO. Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers. Annex II Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers (2017) -
  • Bray and Boon. Towards a framework for research career development: An evaluation of the UK's Vitae Researcher Development Framework (2013)
  • Irish University Association (IUA). Researcher Career Framework (2020) -
  • Vitae. Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers/the Researcher Development Concordat (2019)
  • The Guild. The EU's emerging Pact for Research and Innovation should meet the expectations of the research sector (2021)
  • LERU. Delivering talent: Careers of researchers inside and outside academia (2018)
  • LERU. A Pathway towards Multidimensional Academic Careers - A LERU Framework for the Assessment of Researchers (2022)
  • YERUN. Rethinking academic careers (2022)
  • Science Europe. Research Culture - Empowering Researchers with a Thriving Research System (2021)
  • Vorobieva and Teleshova. Research activities in the European qualifications system: Experience and problems (2018)
  • European University Association (EUA). European Research Area: How to mobilise research-based knowledge for a better and more sustainable future (2020)
  • ICoRSA. Position Statement on sustainability of research careers and precarity (2022)
  • Eurodoc & MCAA. Declaration on Sustainable Researcher Careers (2019)
  • Publications accessible in the policy library of Euraxess -
  • European Commission. MORE4 study: Support data collection and analysis concerning mobility patterns and career paths of researchers (2021)
  • WIFO Studies. Precarious careers in Research. Analysis and Policy Options (2022)
  • European Commission. Research careers in Europe (2016)
  • DANUBIUS-PP. DANUBIUS-RI strategy on Human Resources for Researchers (2016)
  • Kendall Powel. The future of the postdoc (2015)
  • Nature. The plight of young scientists (2016)
  • Lazebnik. Are scientists a workforce? - Or, how Dr. Frankenstein made biomedical research sick (2015)
  • Vogel. Controversial Berlin law gives postdocs pathway to permanent jobs (2021) -
  • Council of the EU. Council conclusions on "Deepening the European Research Area: Providing researchers with attractive and sustainable careers and working conditions and making brain circulation a reality" (2021) -
  • ICoRSA. Position Statement on sustainability of research careers and precarity (2022) -
  • Abramo et al. Gender bias in academic recruitment (2016a)
  • Abramo et al. A methodology to measure the effectiveness of academic recruitment and turnover (2016b)
  • Gaiaschi and Musumeci. Just a matter of time? Women's career advancement in neo-liberal academia. An analysis of recruitment trends in Italian Universities (2020)
  • Abramo and D'Angelo. Were the Italian policy reforms to contrast favoritism and foster effectiveness in faculty recruitment successful? (2021)
  • Carvalho and Santiago. New challenges for women seeking an academic career: The hiring process in Portuguese higher education institutions (2010)
  • Sousa and Magalhães. A research career? The Portuguese case (2014)
  • Enders. A chair system in transition: Appointments, promotions, and gate-keeping in German higher education. (2001)
  • Roebken. Similarity attracts: An analysis of recruitment decisions in academia (2010)
  • Bernice and Teixeira. Mentorship: A Successful Tool for Recruitment, Recognition, and Advancement (2002)
  • Sood et al. Mentoring Early-Career Faculty Researchers Is Important - But First "train the Trainer" (2016)
  • House et al. Mentoring as an intervention to promote gender equality in academic medicine: A systematic review (2021)
  • Clair et al. The new normal: Adapting doctoral trainee career preparation for broad career paths in science (2017)
  • Barnes et al. Career Competencies for Academic Career Progression: Experiences of Academics at a South African University (2022)
  • Chatzea. Recommendations for young researchers on how to better advance their scientific career: A systematic review (2022)
  • Lenzi et al. The NIH "BEST" programs: Institutional programs, the program evaluation, and early data (2020)
  • Rybarczyk et al. Postdoctoral training aligned with the academic professoriate (2011)
  • Claydon et al. Building skill-sets, confidence, and interest for diverse scientific careers in the biological and biomedical sciences (2021)
  • Crossouard. The (re-)positioning of the doctorate through the eyes of newly qualified researchers (2010)
  • Ahmad. Family or Future in the Academy? (2017)
  • Seeber et al. Exploring the effects of mobility and foreign nationality on internal career progression in universities (2022)
  • Pieters and Schoukens. Improving the social security of internationally mobile researchers (2011)
  • Ivancheva and Gourova. Challenges for career and mobility of researchers in Europe (2011)
  • Baruch. Transforming careers: From linear to multidirectional career paths: Organizational and individual perspectives (2004)
  • Kochen and Himmel. Academic careers in general practice: Scientific requirements in Europe (2000)
  • Müller and Kaltenbrunner. Re-disciplining Academic Careers? Interdisciplinary Practice and Career Development in a Swedish Environmental Sciences Research Center (2019)
  • Marini. Coercive and mimetic isomorphism as outcomes of authority reconfigurations in French and Spanish academic career systems (2021)
  • Montes. Micropolitics and meritocracy: Improbable bed fellows? (2019)
  • Sanz-Menéndez and Cruz-Castro. University academics' preferences for hiring and promotion systems (2019)
  • Brüggmann and Groneberg. An index to characterize female career promotion in academic medicine (2017)
  • Smit and van den Berg. Assisted self-mentorship of a boundaryless research career (2016)
  • Claydon et al. Building skill-sets, confidence, and interest for diverse scientific careers in the biological and biomedical sciences (2021)
  • Byars-Winston. Integrating theory and practice to increase scientific workforce diversity: A framework for career development in graduate research training (2011)
  • Miller et al. Full paper the career identity program: Creating a personalized academic-to-career plan for first-year engineering students (2018)
  • Panettieri et al. Impact of a Respiratory Disease Young Investigators' Forum on the Career Development of Physician-Scientists (2020)
  • Moore et al. Peer Multiple Mentor Model (P3M) for Training Disability/Health and Rehabilitation Equity Researchers: Case Study at a Historically Black College/University (2022)
  • Grinstein and Treister. The unhappy postdoc: A survey based study (2018)
  • Cañibano et al. Scientific careers and the mobility of European researchers: an analysis of international mobility by career stage (2020)
  • Begg et al. Approaches to preparing young scholars for careers in interdisciplinary team science (2014)
  • Denton et al. Non-academic career pathways for engineering doctoral students: An evaluation of an NSF research traineeship program (2020)
  • Farnese et al. Undergraduates' academic socialization. A cross-time analysis (2022)
  • House et al. Mentoring as an intervention to promote gender equality in academic medicine: A systematic review (2021)
  • Lenzi et al. The NIH "BEST" programs: Institutional programs, the program evaluation, and early data (2020)
  • Sorkness et al. A new approach to mentoring for research careers: The National Research Mentoring Network (2017)
  • Teichler. Academic mobility and migration: What we know and what we do not know (2015)
  • Tovar. Fractured scientific subjectivities. International mobility as an option and obligation (2018)
  • Nikunen and Lempiäinen. Gendered strategies of mobility and academic career (2020)
  • Pinheiro et al. Take me where I want to go: Institutional prestige, advisor sponsorship, and academic career placement preferences (2017)
  • Zabetta and Geuna. International postdoctoral mobility and career effect in Italian academia – 1986-2015 (2019)
  • Oliver. Living flexibly? How Europe's science researchers manage mobility, fixed-term employment and life outside work (2012)
  • Cruz-Castro and Sanz-Menéndez. The employment of PhDs in firms: Trajectories, mobility and innovation (2005)
  • Hottenrott and Cornelia Lawson. Flying the nest: how the home department shapes researchers' career paths (2017)
  • European Commission. MORE4 study: Support data collection and analysis concerning mobility patterns and career paths of researchers - Survey on researchers in European Higher Education Institutions (2020)
  • European Commission. Knowledge ecosystems in the new ERA: Talent circulation and intersectoral (2022)