Published November 1, 2023 | Version 1.0
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Demic Diffusion and Cultural Transmission? Assessing the spread of Koriabo Tradition as an archaeological correlate of the Cariban language expansions (Supplementary Material)

  • 1. ROR icon Universidade de São Paulo
  • 2. ROR icon University of Tübingen
  • 3. ROR icon Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • 4. ROR icon Uppsala University


Assessing the spread of Koriabo Tradition as an archaeological correlate of the Cariban language expansions (Supplementary Material)

This repository was produced as supplementary material to the paper entitled "Demic Diffusion and Cultural Transmission? Assessing the spread of Koriabo Tradition as an archaeological correlate of the Cariban language expansions", submitted to the journal Antiquity.

It contains the code of radiocarbon modelling in R, the raw data of radiocarbon dates, and a web map with the location of dated sites associated with Koriabo settlements or trade finds.

For the lexical database used in the paper, go to the GitHub repository here.

click here to access the webpage containing the code and the results of the radiocarbon modelling.


Between AD 1000 and 1500, the Koriabo Tradition expanded extensively, spanning the Guianas and the lower Amazon, persisting into the 16th and 17th centuries in the Caribbean and select Amazon areas. Notably, despite its wide distribution, Koriabo ceramics displayed remarkable consistency in motifs and some vessel shapes. This paper combines radiocarbon and linguistic models to explore a dual-process hypothesis of Koriabo expansion, marked by cultural transmission and demic diffusion closely linked to the dispersals of Cariban languages. We suggest this interplay facilitated rapid dissemination and established partially uniform archaeological patterns across the landscape.

Keywords: Koriabo Pottery, Amazonia, Carib-speaking peoples, Demic Diffusion, Exchange Networks

Assessing the spread of Koriabo Tradition as an archaeological correlate of the Cariban language expansions (Supplementary Material) by Bruno de Souza Barreto is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International



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