International recommendation for organizing training courses for core facility staff
Global BioImaging (GBI) is an international, open network of imaging infrastructures and communities, which was initiated in 2015 by Euro-BioImaging and partners in India and Australia with the mission to cooperate internationally and propose solutions to the challenges faced by the imaging community globally. Furthermore, the partners support each other to build a strong case towards the funders that imaging technologies and research infrastructures are key in the advancement of life and health sciences. GBI activities aim to build capacity internationally, leveraging on each other's strengths and capabilities.
This international recommendation prepared under the umbrella of the Global BioImaging network focuses on organizing training courses for core facility staff and has been developed in collaboration with the Global BioImaging Working Group "Training Core Facility Imaging Scientists" taking into account community feedback and existing recommendations. This recommendation provides course organizers with useful information regarding course structure and examples of major topics within the two overarching topics: 1) Facility management and administration and 2) Data management and image analysis.
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