IPBES Technical support unit for the assessment of invasive alien species
Thematic Assessment Report on Invasive Alien Species and their Control of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is composed of 1) a Summary for Policymakers (SPM), which will be considered for approval by the IPBES Plenary at their 10th session in Sep 2023 in Bonn, Germany (IPBES-10); and 2) a set of six Chapters, which will subsequently be accepted by the IPBES Plenary.
All products of the assessment are available on Zenodo. Find all the links on the side bar "has part".
Suggested citation: IPBES (2023). Thematic Assessment Report on Invasive Alien Species and their Control of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Roy, H. E., Pauchard, A., Stoett, P., and Renard Truong, T. (eds.). IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7430682
The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.
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The IPBES Assessment Report on Invasive Alien Species and their Control is composed of six chapters and a summary for policymakers. The chapters will be posted on the IPBES web site by the end of September, following their finalization. In the meantime, Summary for Policymakers is available from the following link.