Published October 26, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D3.4 Methodological framework for intersectional DEI policy case studies


This document serves as a practical guide for carrying out the exploratory case studies on intersectional policies. In total, ten in-depth case studies are conducted in order to generate insight in the nature and characteristics, the governance, design and implementation of effective intersectional GEP's and DEI policies in Research & Innovation (R&I) organisations and institutions, as well as on relevant organisational and extra-organisational factors affecting this. Hasselt University will coordinate the case study selection, set up the methodology, and conduct four case studies. Radboud University and FUOC will each conduct one case study and ZRC SAZU and Fraunhofer will each conduct two additional case studies.

These case studies are part of INSPIRE: European Centre of Excellence on Inclusive Gender Equality in Research & Innovation which aims to "develop innovative tools and knowledge to address intersecting inequalities across the public and private sectors and geographical regions in Europe" ("INSPIRE" 2023). The case studies are of high relevance for the project because they contribute to form the evidence-based of the Knowledge and Support Hub (KSH) 3 on Intersectionality led by UHasselt and Notus and will lead to two deliverables: D3.4 Methodological framework for intersectional DEI policy case studies and D3.5 Report on barriers & facilitating factors of effective DEI policies. However, as they allow for the theorization and operationalization of what an intersectional Gender Equality Plan (GEP) could look like, the case studies are also of relevance more broadly for Research and Innovation (R&I) organisations in Europe and beyond.

The focus on intersectionality reflects the increasing recognition of the importance of ensuring that those who experience multiple, intersecting forms of inequalities and disadvantages do not remain invisible in the design and implementation of equality policies (Garcia and Zajicek 2022). In Horizon Europe, the 9th Framework for Research and Innovation (R&I) of the European Commission, an intersectional approach to gender equality has become a main priority of their Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 and their Strategic Plan for Research & Innovation 2020-2024 (European Commission 2020a; 2020b).



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European Commission
INSPIRE – European Centre of Excellence on Inclusive Gender Equality in Research & Innovation: Creating Knowledge & Engaging in Collaborative Action 101058537