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Published October 26, 2023 | Version v1
Software Open

VESCMUL for Multiplier Verification - TACAS24 artifact



VeSCMul is an ACL2-based formal verification tool for RTL multiplier designs. It can comprehensively verify various multipliers such as dot-product, multiply-add, designs whose outputs are shifted, truncated. 

"" is a package to serve as the TACAS 2024 artifact for the VeSCMul paper. This package is designed to be used in the VM machine for TACAS 23 AEC (available at This archive includes a VeSCMul executable, an ACL2 installation, Verilog files, ACL2 LISP scripts to parse and verify those designs by VeSCMul, a Makefile to easily run thousands of experiments, and a python script to collect the experimental results into a single file. 

Quick start:

  1. Download the TACAS VM machine from and load it using VirtualBox
  2. Download, and move the zip file to the Desktop directory of the VM
  3. Open a terminal in the VM
  4. cd ~/Desktop
  5. unzip
  6. cd vescmul-for-tacas-ccl/experiments
    • Make sure you are in /home/tacas23/Desktop/vescmul-for-tacas-ccl/experiments
  7. make sample

This may finish anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes depending on the machine. "make sample" runs verification events for a small set of multiplier designs. At the end, a python script goes through all the certification output files, and collects the proof-time and memory allocation results into "result.txt". 

A more detailed README file is available in the archive. 

Some notes:

  • This archive has to be unzipped in the desktop directory of the VM (/home/tacas23/Desktop). Otherwise, the VeSCMul executable may need to be rebuilt, which can take hours (see the Debugging section in the included README file)
  • For VM, minimum of 16 GB of system memory, and 32 GB of disk space are recommended; but systems with less memory/disk space may still be able to run the experiments.
  • The VM appears to be extremely slow for VeSCMul and its auxiliary tools. This slowdown can be in the order of 10x in some machines. For example, "make sample" takes 2-3 minutes outside of a VM, on a normal OS setup; however, in VM, the same task can run for up to 30 minutes.
  • This zip archive includes thousands of benchmarks that are usually verified in a few hours (total). Given the slowness inside the VM, it may not be possible to run all the tests in a timely manner. However, running jobs can be interrupted and the results from whatever was already verified can be collected with "make collect".
  • Limited memory might cause tasks to be killed. If you see a certification error that says "killed" at the beginning, or if a "make" command fails for an unapparent reason, please try again. If the problem persists, reduce the "j" value to 1 in Makefile. 
  • On the contrary, if you are working on a very strong machine with lots of memory, you may increase the "j" value in Makefile for more parallelization (assume each job takes around 8GB of memory). 



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