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Published October 26, 2023 | Version v1
Other Open

Policy brief: Co-creation experiences of the ALL-Ready Pilot Network

  • 1. ÖMKi


Co-creation has become a popular concept across different fields and sectors. However, the implementation in practice is less straightforward for policy makers. In the ALL-Ready project, co-creation methods have been applied and tested through different activities in the project's pilot network involving agroecology Living Labs (LLs) and Research Infrastructures (RIs) established by the project. This policy brief aims to summarises the major outcomes of the co-creation experiences and provides policy recommendations based on these. providing to serve as recommendations for future policy considerations.


ALL-Ready_PolicyBrief_Co-creation experiences.pdf

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ALL-Ready – The European Agroecology Living Lab and Research Infrastructure Network: Preparation phase 101000349
European Commission