Published October 24, 2023 | Version v1
Publication Open Policy Paper: The Evolving ICT Standardisation Landscape

  • 1. OpenForum Europe
  • 2.


Project manager:

Project member:

  • 1. Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung
  • 2. ROR icon Trust IT Services


This policy brief seeks to outline our intent and focus when exploring the evolving ICT standardisation landscape and its subsequent implications for the European Union (EU). The final report, 'Europe's Role in an Evolving ICT Standardisation Landscape' will present a comprehensive analysis spanning three thematic areas, delve into six case studies, and proffer a set of policy recommendations for the European Commission. The policy note is the result of ten on-background interviews with experts in the field, which in turn have supported us in refining and shaping the research design and focus of the upcoming study. 

Files 2026_Policy_paper_The_evolving_ICT_Standardisation_landscape_V1.0.pdf

Additional details

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Subtitle (English)
Europe's Role and Impending Questions


European Commission 2026 – ICT Standardisation Observatory and Support Facility in Europe 101091933