Published October 23, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Transcripts of interviews and focus group interviews pertaining to the perceived acceptance and feasibility of the KaziKidz health promotion intervention by educators and caregivers in schools from South Africa

  • 1. University of Basel
  • 1. ROR icon University of Basel
  • 2. ROR icon Nelson Mandela University
  • 3. ROR icon Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute


Transcripts used to perform a thematic analysis of the lived experiences, acceptability and perceived feasibility of school principals, educators and caregivers from public primary schools in South Africa that participated in the KaziKidz health promotion intervention.

It encompasses anonymized verbatim transcripts from four semi-structured interviews with principals from the four participating schools as well as six focus group interviews, three with teachers and three with caregivers.


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Swiss National Science Foundation
Sustainability of a school-based health promotion intervention in children and teachers at risk for non-communicable diseases in marginalised communities in Port Elizabeth, South Africa 320030_192651