Published October 23, 2023 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Investigating the impact of short-circuit faults in different neutral configurations: a real case study


This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of different types of short-circuit faults and various neutral management configurations in ASM Terni's network. The study focused on a portion of the Medium Voltage network comprising 102 nodes and 34.5 km of lines. The main objective was to assess the effects of short-circuit faults under different neutral management configurations to determine the best strategies for enhancing system reliability and stability. The analyses were conducted using two open-source software, OpenDSS and ATPdraw, which provide versatile platforms for analyzing electrical distribution systems. Various neutral management configurations were considered, including grounded neutral, isolated neutral, and neutral connection through resistance or reactance. Through simulations, different parameters of interest were evaluated, such as short-circuit currents, phase voltages, and current in the shields. The obtained results provided valuable insights into the behaviour of the network under different fault conditions and neutral management configurations. The findings can assist in optimizing the network's design and operation, leading to improved system performance and enhanced reliability.


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