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Published December 20, 2023 | Version v1
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Antynomie norm na przykładzie regulacji dotyczących szkolnictwa wyższego

  • 1. Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie


The origins of work were the social and economic changes that were taking place in Poland fromthe early 1990s. One of the areas of change was the mass establishment of private universities. The work of the legislator is to compare the legal framework for the functioning of universities with several hundred years of tradition with newly established entities. Legal regulations coming, according to the theory, from a rational legislator remained in axiological, praxeological and normative dissonance. The reason was the way of defining and hierarchizing values, as well as the performance standards and legal instruments used. The defined values and goals were not implemented due to a faulty approach or inappropriate practices. An example would be the comparison of the value of teaching quality with the value of university stability. By definition, both of these values should be implemented without harm to each other. However, in practice, the instruments intended to protect the stability of universities affected the quality of teaching. Hence the concept of antinomy as a state in which the joint implementation of desired assumptions is excluded. The work points to axiological, praxeological and normative antinomies, making the area of higher education only one example for analysis that is also possible in other areas of law.



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