Published March 20, 2024 | Version 20240320
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Data Tables for Enrichment by Extragalactic First Stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud

  • 1. ROR icon University of Chicago
  • 2. ROR icon Zarqa University
  • 3. ROR icon Universidade de São Paulo
  • 4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • 5. Gemini Observatory/NSF's NOIRLab
  • 6. ROR icon University of Wisconsin–Madison
  • 7. Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
  • 8. ROR icon University of Toronto
  • 9. ROR icon Carnegie Observatories


Machine-readable data tables for the article, "Enrichment by Extragalactic First Stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud"-- DOI: 10.1038/s41550-024-02223-w. Full descriptions of the tables are in the article, but we briefly summarize here-

Table 1 (Table1.csv):  This table provides general information on the stars for which we obtained long-exposure Magellan/MIKE data to derive their detailed elemental abundances. Columns include names, coordinates, SkyMapper g magnitudes from the Gaia XP spectra, and stellar parameters and metallicities with their respective random uncertainties.

Table 2 (Table2.csv): This table provides names, radial velocities, metallicities, and selected elemental abundances with random uncertainties for stars listed in Table 1. [C/Fe]_c indicates carbon abundances that are corrected for the evolutionary state of the star following Placco et al. (2014). Abundances that are upper limits are flagged by the ul_[X/Fe] columns and have "nan" values for the uncertainty.

Extended Data Table 1 (Extended_Data_Table1.csv): This table summarizes all of our observations, by providing names, coordinates, SkyMapper g magnitudes from the Gaia XP spectra, exposure times, dates of observation, and the instrument for these observations. This table includes stars observed with MagE, those observed with short-exposures with MIKE for just metallicities and carbon abundances, and those flagged as more metal-rich upon initial exposure and hence, not further observed. 

Extended Data Table 2 (Extended_Data_Table2.csv): This table provides names, followed by stellar parameters, metallicities, and carbon abundances, along with their respective uncertainties, for stars observed with MagE or MIKE for short exposures to just obtain a metallicity and carbon abundance. As in Table 2, abundances that are upper limits are flagged by the ul_[C/Fe] column and "nan" entries for the uncertainty.

Supplementary Data 1 (Summary_Data_1.csv or Summary_Data_1.ascii): This table provides the suite of detailed element abundances and uncertainties from the long-exposure MIKE spectra of the stars in Table 1. Columns include the name, atomic number and ionization state of the element (element), the number of features used to estimate the elemental abundance (N), the solar abundance of that element (Solar), the absolute abundance (logeps), the chemical abundance scaled by the solar abundance relative to hydrogen ([X/H]), the ratio with respect to the iron abundance ([X/Fe]), the random uncertainty ([X/H]_err) and an upper limit flag (ul), and errors from propagating the uncertainties in the individual stellar parameters and the overall systematic and total uncertainty ([X/H]_errteff, [X/H]_errlogg, [X/H]_errvt, [X/H]_errsys, [X/H]_errtot). These are followed by the same columns, but with respect to iron (e.g., [X/Fe]_errteff, [X/Fe]_errlogg). Abundances of the CH molecule are indicated by 106.0 in the "element" column. This table is provided as a machine readable csv file and as an ascii file, the latter for easier visual readability.

Supplementary Data 2 (Summary_Data_2.csv or Summary_Data_2.ascii): This table summarizes the chemical abundances from individual absorption features for the LMC stars with long-exposure MIKE spectra. The columns include the star name, the atomic number and ionization state of the element (species), the solar abundance of that element (Solar), followed by the wavelength, excitation potential, and loggf of the line (wavelength, expot, loggf), and then the measured equivalent width (EW), absolute abundance (logeps), and a flag indicating whether the abundance is an upper limit (ul). Abundances derived via spectral synthesis have "nan" entries for expot, loggf, and EW, and abundances of the CH molecular band are indicated by 106.0. This table is provided as a machine readable csv file and as an ascii file, the latter for easier visual readability. 



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Journal article: 10.1038/s41550-024-02223-w (DOI)

