Os Cativos Alcácer Quibir (1579-1607) - Fontes Trinitárias
Os dois documentos "OS CATIVOS ALCÁCER QUIBIR (1579-1607) - Fontes Trinitárias", consistem no principal produto de análise documental do projeto Moving City Cities made for war: a European army in late Sixteenth-Century Morocco (EXPL/HAR-HIS/1521/2021, financiado pela FCT), no qual se reúnem as informações referentes aos cativos portugueses que acompanharam D. Sebastião na sua Jornada de África. A criação deste conteúdo passou, numa primeira etapa, pela transcrição paleográfica de um conjunto de fontes do acervo do Convento da Santíssima Trindade de Lisboa à guarda do Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo (ANTT). Em seguida efetuou-se a identificação de todos os cativos registados pelos padres trinitários nesses manuscritos, inserindo os dados relevantes numa tabela de trabalho concebida para albergar esta informação especifica. As diversas entradas permitem identificar os dados relativos a cada individuo de modo a determinar se era um cativo proveniente da batalha de Alcácer Quibir.
Abstract (English)
The two listings presented under the title "THE CAPTIVES ALCÁCER QUIBIR (1579-1607) - Trinitarian Sources", results from the work carried out within the scope of the "MOVING CITY" project. All sources treated within the scope of the "MOVING CITY" project were used, but we focused on processing the information contained in the captive's lists found in the following documents (ANTT/Arquivo Nacional de Torre do Tombo)
The documents are the main output of the project Moving City Cities made for war: a European army in late Sixteenth-Century Morocco (EXPL/HAR-HIS/1521/2021, financed by FCT), focused on processing the information contained in the captive's lists relating to the Portuguese captives who accompanied king D. Sebastião on his last expedition to Africa are collected. The first step leading to the creation of this content involved the full transcription of a set of sources from the National Archives of Torre do Tombo (ANTT) from the trinitarian order. Next, all captives recorded by the Trinidadians manuscripts were identified, inserting all relevant data into a working table designed for this particular purpose. The final stage consisted in identifying all individuals that were actual captives from the battle of Alcácer Quibir.
MOVING CITY_CATIVOS Fontes Trinitarias proveniencia geografica.pdf
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- Project deliverable: 10.5281/zenodo.10012897 (DOI)
- Issued