Published October 15, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Data for articles in "Historical Network Analysis in the Study of Chinese Religion" (Special issue Religions 2023)


This is the data for the seven articles collected in the special issue of Religions (2023) "Historical Network Analysis in the Study of Chinese Religion":

 - Bingenheimer, Marcus. 2023. "Miyun Yuanwu 密雲圓悟 (1567–1642) and His Impact on 17th-Century Buddhism" Religions 14, no. 2: 248.

- Chen, Song. 2023. "Patterns of Integration: A Network Perspective on Popular Religious Connections in China's Lower Yangzi, 1150–1350" Religions 14, no. 5: 577.

- Chu, Ming-Kin. 2023. "Realizing the "Outwardly Regal" Vision in the Midst of Political Inactivity: A Study of the Epistolary Networks of Li Gang 李綱 (1083–1140) and Sun Di 孫覿 (1081–1169)" Religions 14, no. 3: 389.

- Goossaert, Vincent. 2023. "The Social Networks of Gods in Late Imperial Spirit-Writing Altars" Religions 14, no. 2: 217.

- Nehrdich, Sebastian. 2023. "Observations on the Intertextuality of Selected Abhidharma Texts Preserved in Chinese Translation" Religions 14, no. 7: 911.

- Sokolova, Anna. 2023. "Regional Buddhist Communities in Tang China and Their Social Networks: The Network of Master Fayun (?–766)" Religions 14, no. 3: 335.

- Van Cutsem, Laurent. 2023. "Lineages as Network: A Study of Chan Genealogy in the Zutang ji 祖堂集 Using Social Network Analysis" Religions 14, no. 2: 205.


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