Published October 13, 2023 | Version v1
Other Open

Policy Brief: Building a FAIR Future in Agroecology: Data Strategy Recommendations for Living Labs and European Research Infrastructures

  • 1. LifeWatch ERIC


The results of the ALL-Ready project emphasize the importance of rigorous data management guidelines, such as compliance with FAIR principles and ethics.

The All-Ready project provides a detailed framework for agroecology data management, advocating for FAIR principles and ethics.

Setting ethical and replicable data management procedures, having specialized data management teams and developing FAIR- compliant collaborative repositories are essential to maximize the impact of research and advance faster towards sustainable agriculture in Europe.


ALL-Ready_PolicyBrief_Building a FAIR Future in Agroecology.pdf

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European Commission
ALL-Ready – The European Agroecology Living Lab and Research Infrastructure Network: Preparation phase 101000349