Published October 13, 2023 | Version v1
Presentation Open

[EOSC Symposium 2023] EOSC Contributions to Research Assessment

  • 1. Open AIRE


These are the slides presented by Giulia Malaguarnera for GraspOS in the breakout session on EOSC Contributions to Research Assessment, held at the EOSC Symposium in Madrid on 21 September 2023. 

This session explored how EOSC's contributions can influence and shape research assessment practices by emphasizing openness, collaboration, and the integration of diverse research outputs, and how EOSC can contribute to the development and implementation of Open Science indicators that can be used in research assessment.


EOSC Symposium23_Giulia Malaguarnera_GraspOS.pdf

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European Commission
GraspOS – GraspOS: next Generation Research Assessment to Promote Open Science 101095129