Published November 23, 2016 | Version v1
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Figure 3 from: Vieira PE, Queiroga H, Costa FO, Holdich DM (2016) Distribution and species identification in the crustacean isopod genus Dynamene Leach, 1814 along the North East Atlantic-Black Sea axis. ZooKeys 635: 1-29.

  • 1. Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
  • 2. Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal
  • 3. Unaffiliated, Nottingham, United Kingdom


Figure 3 - Main features of females and juveniles of the NE Atlantic-Black Sea axis Dynamene spp. A, B Dynamene bidentata (S. Wales). Arrows indicate smooth outline of pleotelsonic dome (A) and non-tubular pleotelsonic foramen (B) C, D Dynamene magnitorata (Roscoff, France). Arrows indicate angular outline of pleotelsonic dome (C), posterior extension of pleotelsonic keel and non-tubular pleotelsonic foramen (D) E, F, G Dynamene edwardsi (Italy). Arrows indicate angular outline of pleotelsonic dome (E) with central bulge (E, F, G) and tubular pleotelsonic foramen. (E and F from Naples, Italy G hirsute female from the Venice Lagoon, Italy) H, I Dynamene bicolor (Naples, Italy). Arrows indicate angular outline of pleotelsonic dome (I) and non-tubular pleotelsonic foramen (H) J, K Dynamene tubicauda (Ischia, Italy). Arrows indicate flattened epimera surrounding body that give this species a unique body shape (J, K) and the tubular pleotelsonic foramen (J, K) L, M. Dynamene bifida (Ischia, Italy). Arrows indicate smooth outline to pleotelsonic dome (L) and pleotelsonic foramen at end of short tube (M).



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