Published March 22, 2017 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Selection and Dimensioning of slice-based RAN Controller for adaptive Radio Resource Management

  • 1. Huawei Technologies GRC


This paper discusses the adaptive cluster formation and controller selection from a set of access nodes, given the RAN characteristics, the resource situation and the per slice QoS requirements, Subsequently, the adaptive placement of Radio Resource Management (RRM) functionalities to the RAN nodes and the interactions among functionalities are determined on per slice basis. By taking into account the slice requirements, the backhaul/access channel conditions and the traffic load, a central management entity assigns RRM functionalities to the controllers with different levels of centralization in order to meet the per Slice KPIs (throughput, reliability, latency). The controller, cluster and RRM split configuration problems are formulated and interpreted as three dependent graph-based sub-problems, where low complexity heuristic approaches, requiring low signalling, are proposed in this framework.


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European Commission
METIS-II – Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for Twenty-twenty (2020) Information Society-II 671680