Published September 1, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open



Water, generally known as a universal solvent is the most essential component of the biotic world. People living in plain and coastal areas can manage the water problems easily but the peoples in hilly areas face very severe problems due to lack of water resources. Many hilly regions as well as places like Jammu and Kashmir and many cold deserts faceunpredictable rainfall, recurrent drought and sometimes evacuate water resources. Due to these unfavourable conditions these areas undergoes low crop capitulate. Due to the need of water for agriculture and drinking purposes, conservation of water is very important. In hilly areas water is continuously creating a problem for community not only for agriculture use but also for drinking and domestic purposes. There are generally two main sources of water i.e. rainwater and spring water.Ground water is in very low quantity in these areas and is usually found at a greater depth. In hilly areas there is very low scope of tube wells, canals and even for lift irrigations. Due to this water conservation is very important. Generally, rainwater is harvested and utilised in irrigation and for domestic purposes. Roof-top water harvesting is the most efficient method to save water, it is economical and production can also be increased. For the transportation of water kuls and bamboo drip can be used as well.


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