Published September 3, 2009 | Version v1
Report Open

Assessment of acrylamide level in food stuffs in Poland

  • 1. National Food and Nutrition Institute


The aim of the study was to assess acrylamide content in 159 samples of nine groups of food products randomly collected in Poland in 2004-2007. The analysis was performed by gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) using Finnigan GCQ instrument. Deuterium-labelled (d3 labelled) acrylamide was used as internal standard. The highest level of acrylamide was observed in potato crisps and crackers: (904 and 859ug/kg, respectively). The lowest level was found in oat flakes (23ug/kg) and in biscuits (98ug/kg).


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Assessment of acrylamide level in food stuffs in Poland_TEC_PL_pl_03-09-2009.pdf

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