Published June 30, 2009 | Version v1
Report Open

Economic impacts of Finnish salmonella control programme of broilers

  • 1. National Veterinary and Food Research Institute


The Finnish national control programme sets stricter salmonella control requirements than those provided in the EU directive 92/117/EC. Finnish broiler production incurs additional costs because of the increased requirements. The goal of the control programme is to prevent people from becoming ill with salmonella and thus to save societal healthcare costs. The study evaluated the costs of the control programme in relation to its benefits. The study was carried out in co-operation with the Risk Assessment Research Unit of the National Veterinary and Food Research Institute (EELA) and the Economic Research Unit of MTT Agrifood Research Finland. The project was funded by the European Agricultural Rural Development Fund (EARDF) and EELA.


FI; en;


Economic impacts of Finnish salmonella control programme of broilers _TEC_FI_en_30-06-2009.pdf

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