Published August 9, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Ranking Tehran's Stock Exchange Top Fifty Stocks Using Fundamental Indexes and Fuzzy TOPSIS

  • 1. Department of Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, Amir Kabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran


Investment through the purchase of securities, constitute an important part of countries economic exchange. Therefore, making decisions about investing in a particular stock has become one of the most controversial areas of economic and financial research and various institutions have began to rank companies stock and determine priorities of stock purchase to investment. The current research, with the determination of important required indexes for companies ranking based on their shares value on the Tehran stock exchange, can greatly help to the accurate ranking of fifty premier listed companies. Initial ranking indicators are extracted and then a decision-making group (exchange experts) with the use of the Delphi method and also non-parametric statistic methods, determines the final indexes. Then, by using Fuzzy ANP, weight criteria are obtained with taking into account their interaction with each other. Finally, using fuzzy TOPSIS and information extraction about the premier fifty listed companies of Tehran stock exchange in 2014 are ranked with the software "Rahavard Novin”. Sensitivity analysis to criteria weight and relevant analysis presentation was conducted at the end of the study procedures.



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