Published October 6, 2023 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Ceratophyllus garei Rothschild 1902


Ceratophyllus garei Rothschild, 1902

Ceratophyllus garei Rothschild, 1902: 225.

Records in Baltic States: Estonia (Pototski 1990b; Pototski et al. 1993), Latvia (Grinbergs 1960; 1961a; 1961d), Lithuania (Podėnaitė 1979).

Hosts: A. flavicollis (LV), A. amphibius (LV), M. arvalis (EE).

European distribution: Belarus, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom (Cooreman 1950; Rosický 1950; Niewiadomska 1953; Smit 1962; 1969; George 1974; Beaucournu & Gosalbez 1975; Chikilevskaya 1977; Haitlinger 1977b; Beaucournu 1978; Vashchonok 1996; Walter 2000).

Notes: Typical parasites of birds (Lewis 1975) but can also parasitise small mammals (Vashchonok 1996).


Published as part of Kitrytė, Neringa & Baltrūnaitė, Laima, 2023, Ectoparasitic mites, ticks (Acari: Trombidiformes, Mesostigmata, Ixodida) and insects (Insecta: Psocodea, Siphonaptera) of ground-dwelling small mammals in the Baltic States. An annotated checklist, pp. 1-46 in Zootaxa 5353 (1) on page 22, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5353.1.1,


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  • Rothschild, N. C. (1902) New British fleas. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 38, 225.
  • Pototski, A. (1990 b) Fleas of voles of the genus Mictorus in Estonia. In: Abstracts of the Conference Current Issues of Infectious Diseases, Tartu, pp. 99 - 100.
  • Pototski, A., Schwan, O., Tull, P. & Vasilenko, V. (1993) The fauna of small mammals. Fleas and Ixodes ticks on Saaremaa (Estonia) and Gotland (Sweden) islands. Biologija, 39 (1), 14.
  • Grinbergs, A. (1960) Dynamics and population of ectoparasites (Apodemus flavicollis Melch) in the Latvian SSR. In: Thesis Reports of the Second Scientific - Coordinating Conference on the Problems of Parasitology in the Latvian SSR, Lithuanian SSR, Estonian SSR and Belarusian SSR. Riga, pp. 130 - 131. [in Russian]
  • Grinbergs, A. (1961 a) Ectoparasites on Arvicola terrestris L. as epidemiologic elements in natural nidi of tularemia in the Latvian SSR. Latvijas Entomologs, 4, 55 - 70. [in Russian]
  • Grinbergs, A. (1961 d) Ectoparasites on Apodemus flavicollis Melch. and their seasonal changes in number and species stock in the Latvian SSR. Latvijas Entomologs, 3, 19 - 34. [in Russian]
  • Podenaite, V. I. (1979) Fauna of ticks, mites and fleas in Lithuanian SSR. In: Material of Scientific Conference on Epizootic Infections and Invasions. pp. 53 - 55. [in Russian]
  • Cooreman, J. (1950) Liste des suctorial (Aphaniptera) recoltes en Belgique. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturalles de Belgique Bulletin, 24 (57), 1 - 12.
  • Rosicky, B. (1950) Blechy (Aphaniptera) jako parasiti nasich ptaku. Sylvia, 3, 1 - 6.
  • Niewiadomska, K. (1953) Materialy do fauny pchel (Aphaniptera) Polski. Fragmenta Faunistica Musei Zoologici Polonici, 6, 249 - 262. https: // doi. org / 10.3161 / 15053970 FF 1949.6.15.249
  • Smit, F. G. A. M. (1962) Catalogus der Nederlandse Siphonaptera. Tijdschrift Voor Entomologie, 105 (2), 45 - 96.
  • Smit, F. G. A. M. (1969) A catalogue of the Siphonaptera of Finland with distribution maps of all Fennoscandian species. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 6, 47 - 86.
  • George, R. S. (1974) Provisional atlas of the insects of the British Isles. Part 4. Siphonaptera - Fleas. E. W. Classey Ltd., Huntington, 76 pp.
  • Beaucournu, J. C. & Gosalbez, J. (1975) Contribution a l'etude des Siphonapteres de Catalogne Francaise et Espagnole. Vie et Milieu, 25 (2), 69 - 86.
  • Chikilevskaya, I. V. (1977) Changes in the specific composition and number of fleas in the nests of small mammals during the drainage of marshes in Belarus. Parazitologiya, 11 (1), 43 - 47. [in Russian]
  • Haitlinger, R. (1977 b) Siphonaptera drobnych ssakow polnocnej Polski. Przeglad Zoologiczny, 21 (3), 218 - 226.
  • Beaucournu, J. C. (1978) Enquete sur les arthtopodes vectours dans la Peninsule Iberique: Liste des Siphonapteres. Medicine et Maladies Infectieuses, 8 (3), 121 - 124. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / S 0399 - 077 X (78) 80099 - 7
  • Vashchonok, V. S. (1996) Check-list of fleas (Siphonaptera) of the North-West of Russia. P arazitologiya, 30 (5), 410 - 424. [in Russian]
  • Walter, G. (2000) Weitere Ektoparasitennachweise (Siphonaptera, Ixodidae, Anoplura) von den Ostfriesischen Inseln. Drosera, 1 - 2, 67 - 72.
  • Lewis, R. E. (1975) Notes on the geographical distribution and host preferences in the order Siphonaptera. Part 6. Ceratophyllidae. Journal of Medical Entomology, 11 (6), 658 - 676. https: // doi. org / 10.1093 / jmedent / 11.6.658