Published October 4, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Conceptual Framework and Vision: Responsible Democratic Citizenship and Education for Democracy


This framework provides the conceptual underpinnings for the Democrat Horizon Europe project, pointing to different dimensions of
democracy that should be addressed in Education for Democracy (EfD), with a focus on responsible democratic citizenship (RDC). It
examines current debates around democracy and education, including illiberal challenges to democratic values, structures and procedures, as well as different approaches concerning EfD, with a view to identify research gaps and further develop next research steps. Challenges related to digitalisation are addressed (in education, media, social relations). The literature review encompasses research and policy debates at both national (6 countries included in the project) and international levels (in particular, EU, Council of Europe and UNESCO).

Building on this RDC vision, a competence framework was developed. It took into account the main existing competences frameworks in the field of democratic citizenship and adjacent fields such as digital civic competences, sustainable competences, digital competences, STEM competences etc.


Democrat WP2-Conceptual Framework final.pdf

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European Commission
DEMOCRAT – Education for Responsible Democratic Citizenship 101095106