Published October 6, 2023 | Version 1.0
Report Open

Systemic Malpractice: not taking H63D Syndrome seriously might have dire consequence for your practice

  • 1. H63D Syndrome Research Consortium
  • 2. H63 Syndrome Research


The medical field’s evolving nature necessitates a perpetual update of knowledge, especially in the realm of rare diseases such as H63D Syndrome. This correspondence underscores the systemic malpractice emerging from a lack of adequate awareness and updated knowledge concerning H63D Syndrome among the global clinician community. The consequence of such negligence is twofold: a compromise in patient care quality and a potential legal liability for practitioners. The letter elucidates the abundance of resources available for clinician education and invites a thorough re-evaluation of current clinical approaches toward H63D Syndrome. It also extends an offer for free consultation from a dedicated consortium of clinicians and biologists, aiming to bridge the knowledge gap and uphold the Hippocratic Oath. Through this communication, a clarion call is made to elevate clinical practice by embracing continuous learning, thereby safeguarding both patient welfare and professional integrity.


In the subsequent discourse, the systemic malpractice prevalent in the handling of H63D Syndrome is meticulously dissected, underscoring the ramifications of inadequate awareness and outdated clinical approaches. The unanimous endorsement of this correspondence by H63D mutation researchers, achieved during the H63D Mutation Syndrome Conference in August 2023, amplifies the exigency of the matter. Moreover, the Consortium offering pro bono consultation stands as a beacon of unbiased, non-political, and strictly non-profit endeavor, solely dedicated to bridging the knowledge chasm and uplifting the global clinical practice standards. The aim is unequivocal: to mitigate the dire repercussions on patient care and professional practice while fostering an environment of informed, updated, and ethically sound medical practice.


H63D Syndrome letter to all clinicians worldwide.pdf

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