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Published October 6, 2023 | Version 1
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Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and lava outlines from the 2023 Litla-Hrútur eruption, Iceland, from Pléiades satellite stereoimages

  • 1. National Land Survey of Iceland
  • 2. CNRS, IRD, Université Gustave Eiffel, Université Grenoble Alpes, University of Savoy Mont Blanc
  • 3. Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland
  • 4. Laboratoire d'Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (LEGOS – CNRS, UMR5566), Université de Toulouse, 31400 Toulouse, France



On the 10th of July 2023, at 16:40, an eruption started in the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland, next to the mountain "Litla-Hrútur". As part of the response, the CIEST2 french initiative was activated (Gouhier et al., 2022). Once activated, Pléiades stereoimages were tasked and scheduled for fast delivery within the area of Interest. On the 20th of August 2023 an additional stereopair of images from Pléiades was acquired and processed after the eruption had stopped.

Once acquired and delivered, the Pléiades images were processed following the methods described in the section below. This repository contains the near-real time results of DEMs, difference maps compared to a pre-eruption DEM, and lava outlines digitized from the difference map and the orthoimage.



The Pléiades stereoimages were processed using the Ames StereoPipeline (ASP, Shean et al., 2016, see ASP branch in repository), yielding a DEM in 2x2m GSD and an orthoimage in 0.5x0.5m GSD. The processing was done using as only input the stereoimages and their orientation information, as Rational Polynomial Coefficients (RPCs). The parallel_stereo routine performs all the steps needed in the correlation of the stereoimages, yielding a pointcloud which is then interpolated using the routine point2dem. Besides default parameters, the parallel_stereo parameters used for creation of the DEMs were the standard parameters, plus the following ones: 

--stereo-algorithm asp_mgm --corr-tile-size 300 --corr-timeout 900 --cost-mode 3 --subpixel-mode 9 --corr-kernel 7 7 --subpixel-kernel 15 15

Once the DEM was created, DEM co-registration was applying in order to align and minimize positional biases between the pre-eruption DEM and the Pléiades DEMs. We followed the co-registration method of Nuth & Kääb (2011), implemented by David Shean’s co-registration routines (, Shean et al., 2016). The co-registration involved a horizontal and vertical shift of the Pléiades DEMs, as well as a planar tilt correction. The horizontal offset obtained from the DEM co-registration was also applied to the Pléiades orthoimages.

The pre-eruption DEM used for this study is a survey done on the 27th of September 2022, data collected Birgir Óskarsson and Robert A. Askew (Icelandic Institute of Natural History) and processed by Sydney R. Gunnarsson and Joaquín M.C. Belart (National Land Survey of Iceland). Metadata of this dataset is available here:

Lava outlines were manually digitized from the co-registered Pléiades orthoimages, The lava outlines are available as GeoPackages in the “GPKG” branch of the repository.

At the moment, the results from Pléiades are used by the Institute of Earth Sciences of the Univesity of Iceland (Jarðvisindustofnun Háskoli Íslands) to estimate lava volumes and effusion rate, following the methods described in Pedersen et al. (2022). Please contact the authors if these data are intended to be used for a similar purpose, in order to avoid conflict of interests or duplicate work. We encourage collaboration and data sharing for the purpose of the monitoring of the eruption and for research applications.

Data naming convention:

faf_YYYYMMDD_hhmmss_hhmmss_*align.tif: DEM obtained from the processing, co-registered to the reference pre-eruption DEM.

faf_YYYYMMDD_hhmmss_hhmmss_*align_diff.tif: Difference of elevation between the Pléiades DEM and the pre-eruption DEM.

faf_YYYYMMDD_hhmm.gpkg: Polygon containing the lava outlines, extracted from the Pléiades orthoimage and the map of elevation difference.

0_faf_YYYYMMDD_hhmmss_hhmmss_*fig.png: A figure showing the latest map of elevation difference, overlaid with a hillshade of the latest Pléiades DEM and the latest lava outlines, result of the processing of the Pléiades stereoimages. The figure was created using the tool from the GitHub repository (Shean et al., 2016).

Data Specifications:

  • Cartographic projection: ISN93 / Lambert 1993 (EPSG:3057,
  • Origin of Elevation: meters above GRS80 ellipsoid (WGS84)
  • Raster data format: GeoTIFF
  • Raster compression system: LZW
  • Vector data format: GeoPackage (
  • Pléiades dataset includes only DEMs because the Pléiades ortho imagery is for licensed use only. Please contact the authors for further information on this.


Pléiades images from July 2023 were provided under the CIEST² initiative (CIEST2 is part of ForM@Ter ( Pléiades images from August 2023 were provided under the CEOS Volcano Supersite ( Image Pléiades©CNES2023, distribution AIRBUS DS.

Dataset Attribution:

This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC 4.0 International License (Attribution-NonCommercial).


Please cite this repository as described below:

Joaquin M.C. Belart, Virginie Pinel, Hannah. I. Reynolds, Etienne Berthier, & Sydney R. Gunnarson. (2023). Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and lava outlines from the 2023 Litla-Hrútur eruption, Iceland, from Pléiades satellite stereoimages (1) [Data set]. Zenodo.



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Additional details


  • Gouhier, M., Pinel, V., Belart, J.M.C. et al. CNES-ESA satellite contribution to the operational monitoring of volcanic activity: The 2021 Icelandic eruption of Mt. Fagradalsfjall. J Appl. Volcanol. 11, 10 (2022).
  • Shean, D. E., Alexandrov, O., Moratto, Z. M., Smith, B. E., Joughin, I. R., Porter, C., & Morin, P. (2016). An automated, open-source pipeline for mass production of digital elevation models (DEMs) from very-high-resolution commercial stereo satellite imagery. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 116.
  • Pedersen, G. B. M., Belart, J. M. C., Óskarsson, B. V., Gudmundsson, M. T., Gies, N., Högnadóttir, T., et al. (2022). Volume, effusion rate, and lava transport during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption: Results from near real-time photogrammetric monitoring. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2021GL097125.