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Published July 18, 2016 | Version v1
Dataset Open

The FORTH-TRACE dataset for human activity recognition of simple activities and postural transitions using a Body Area Network

  • 1. Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas, Department of Computer Science, University of Crete, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
  • 2. Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas


The dataset is collected from 15 participants wearing 5 Shimmer wearable sensor nodes on the locations listed in Table 1. The participants performed a series of 16 activities (7 basic and 9 postural transitions), listed in Table 2.

The captured signals are the following:

  • 3-axis accelerometer
  • 3-axis gyroscope
  • 3-axis magnetometer

The sampling rate of the devices is set to 51.2 Hz.


The dataset contains the following files:

  • partX/partXdev1.csv
  • partX/partXdev2.csv
  • partX/partXdev3.csv
  • partX/partXdev4.csv
  • partX/partXdev5.csv

Where X corresponds to the participant ID, and numbers 1-5 to the device IDs indicated in Table 1.

Each .csv file has the following format:

  • Column1: Device ID
  • Column2: accelerometer x
  • Column3: accelerometer y
  • Column4: accelerometer z
  • Column5: gyroscope x
  • Column6: gyroscope y
  • Column7: gyroscope z
  • Column8: magnetometer x
  • Column9: magnetometer y
  • Column10: magnetometer z
  • Column11: Timestamp
  • Column12: Activity Label


  1. Left Wrist
  2. Right Wrist
  3. Torso
  4. Right Thigh
  5. Left Ankle


(Arrows (->) indicate transitions between activities)

  1. stand
  2. sit
  3. sit and talk
  4. walk
  5. walk and talk
  6. climb stairs (up/down)
  7. climb stairs (up/down) and talk
  8. stand -> sit
  9. sit -> stand
  10. stand -> sit and talk
  11. sit and talk -> stand
  12. stand -> walk
  13. walk -> stand
  14. stand -> climb stairs (up/down), stand -> climb stairs (up/down) and talk
  15. climb stairs (up/down) -> walk
  16. climb stairs (up/down) and talk -> walk and talk


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