Published September 29, 2023 | Version v1
Poster Open

Chart for the Core Objectives of Data Publishing within Technical Infrastructure for Research Data Management,

  • 1. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development
  • 2. Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau


Academic data stewardship at universities has to fulfil many different roles. One of the most important is to build up a connection to researchers and bridge the gap between research data infrastructure and researchers. Different scientific communities have different requirements for research data management and expectations regarding text and data publication. In many of the sub-disciplines of engineering sciences, research data management practices are not established so far. When it comes to contact between data stewards and researchers, a common knowledge base has to be established to become clear about why and what actions for research data management has to take, that engineering researchers can adapt them for their research data management practices. Many research data management standards have to take into consideration. However, to this point of time, the research data management community lacks for data literacy graphics to explain how the technical data management ecosystem works together with standards like the findability, accessibility, interoperability and reuse (FAIR) principles. Therefore, we developed a graphic for data literacy and consulting scenarios.


Wolff_et_al._Chart_for_the_Core_Objectives_of_Data_Publishing_within_Technical_Infrastructure_for_Research_Data_Management, .pdf